Here Iustyce
Pledyth ageyne the Sowle
Capitulo xxii
But thenne with an hye voys
herd I one speke to my ful grete empesshement: one that
hade spoken byfore, Iustyce, it was.
`I vnderstood it wel, Syr Prouost' quod she. `Ye
haue here herde and vnderstande that he hath
confessyd here openly in presence of this Court al
that Sathan and Synderesys haue putte vppon hym, ne
he can in no wyse denyen hit.
`But now it is come to excusacyon, it auayleth
nought - witnesse vpon Reson and Trouth, whiche be
two worthy ladyes of this Court, and knoweth wel al
the old vsages and custommes of this present Court -
wherfor I shal seye as touchyng this mater, vnder
theyr correctyon, somwhat of myn aduys.
And yf ought be mysseyed, I wylle that by them it be
redressyd and amendyd.
`I seye at the begynnyng that this pylgrym oweth
nought to be herd of his excusacyon, for why he knew the lawes in
what wise he shold haue gouerned him self at al
tymes, and by [18r] what weyes sholde passe
al good pilgrims to that Soueraigne Cyte.
`He alledgeth for his excusacyon that his owne
flesshe hath deceyued hym and meued hym to euyl. But
this excusacyon auayleth nought at al, for why this myght he ful wel
haue amended yf he had wel gouerned hym selue after
the Lawe that was bytake hym,
whiche was clerely shewyd and taught hym in the Ten
Commaundementes, and also in the counseyls conteyned
in the Gospels of Criste, whiche ben in a maner renouellynges of the forsayd hestes, of which there is
noo mortal wyght that may
ben excused.
`On that other syde he hath redde
and knowen bothe wordes and werkes of the rather sayntes, and in what wyse
they kepte Goddes Lawe, for kepynge of whiche Lawe
they putte theyr bodyes in ful many greuous
distressys, wherfor some of them haue ben slayn and
martyred in many dyuerse wyse, whoos peynes and
anguysshes no tong suffyseth to seye, ne ere for to
here, and ony herte may skylfully
agryse for to thynke.
`Some other haue loken them
self within lytel place as recluces and anachorites,
some exyled them self in wylde heremytages, some
closyd and bounden them self in dyuerse relygyons and taken
vpon them soore afflyctyons and rygour of penaunce,
that by reson who that hereth it shal ful lytel
sette by hym selue.
`He hath also herd and red theyr lores & their wrytynges in
what wyse a man oweth to subdue
the body to the soule, and how al that they wryte
and seyde they perfourmed veryly in theyr owne
persones. In this wyse, yf he wold, he myght haue
done hym self, but sothe it is, he hath alwey ben
slowe and rekeles & soo
cherysshed his caytyf careyn, and soo moche suffred hym
for to haue his lustes, and seruyd hym to his
plesaunce soo ferforth, that the wretchyd bodye,
that oweth to haue ben seruaunt, hath had the
soueraynte and maystre ouer the sowle, that shold
haue be mayster and souerayne.
`What excusacyon may hym in this caas helpe or
auayle for to reherce, whan
that Grace Dieu18
brought hym to her owne place, and ther bytoke hym
armoure and taught hym in what wyse he shold haue
had hym self ageyn his aduersaryes. And how he ne apprysed nought hyr
doctryne, ne dyd no thyng therafter. I sawe hit, and
apperceyued wel my selue.
`Yet ferthermore that he ne shall by no weye excuse
hym, hyt byfelle ones when he laye in his bed cortined lyke a lord, this
same noble lady she dide hym so grete honour that
she [18v] send hym her owne specyal lettres,
whiche when he hadde redde, he sette at lytel prys,
but cast them anone fro hym to the Erthe. But I
sought them vp, and haue them here present, whiche I
shal rede in youre audyence. And wyteth
wel, Syr Prouost, though he wold denye it, sothely
his name is wryten in the begynnynge. He may not desauowe it.'
Soo thenne Iustyce toke oute these lettres oute of
hyr bosom and radde theym word for word, wherof this
is the veray content: