Fyrste, How the Sowle Departyth fro the Body, and
How the Fowle Fend Assayleth the Sowle
As I laye in a seynt Laurence nyght1,
slepynge in my bedde, me bifelle a full merueylous
dreme, whiche I shal reherce.
Me thought that I had longe tyme trauayled to ward
the Holy Cyte of Ierusalem, and that I had made an
ende and fully fynysshed my flesshely pylgremage, so
that I myght no further trauayle
vpon my foote, but nedes muste leue behynde my
flesshely careyne.
Thenne come cruel Dethe and smote me with his
venemous darte, thorugh whiche stroke bodye and
sowle were partyd a sonder.
And soo anone I felte my self lyft vp in to the
eyer, seyng my self departed fro my fowle bodye
whiche whan I byhelde lyeng al dede withouten ony
mouyng, semyd me so fowle and horryble, that had I
nought ryght late ther byfore yssued ther fro, I
wold nought haue supposed that it euer had ben myn.
Thenne come ther to this body the noble worthy lady
Dame Misericord,
& keuered it lappyng in a clene lynnen
clothe, and so ful honestly leide it in the erthe. I
sawe also the auterer
that clepyd is Dame Prayer,
how that she sped hyr to Heuen ward wonder hastely
bifore me, for to byseke
the Souerayne Lord of grace and of mercy, for no
doute I had ful huge mestier
ther of, for why the fowle
horrible Sathanas I sawe comyng to ward me ful
cruelly manacyng me, and
seyng in this wise:
`I haue here long tyme abyden the
& priuely for the leyn
in awayte. Soo is it now bifalle that I haue not
failed of my purpos, for now art thou taken with me
& now must thou wende in to myne habitacyon, condempnyd by
ryghtwis iugement of the Souerayne Iuge. For now
hast thou loste that lady that was thyne helper and
thyne counceilour Dame Grace
de Dieu. Hit auayleth the nought for to loke
after hyr.
`Now arte thou myn prysonner. Caste doune thy scrippe and thy burdon2, for al thy
pilgremage is comen to a iape.
Thou shalt ful [2v] sone be brought in suche
a cage where thou shalt no talent haue to laugh,
ne to synge. But wel myght thou wel say: Allas, why
and to what purpoos had God formed me for to ben encombred with soo moche meschyef.'
And whan I this sawe and herd, ful greuously hadde I
be discomfortyd, hadde I nought sene a fayr yonglyng
of ful huge beaute that me alwey costeyed. And at the
laste he neyhed me, and
sone I apperceyued his persone and his offyce. He
bygan to speke and sayd to this Sathanas `Thy
malyce', quod he, `and thy cursydnesse is euer prest
and redy for to tarye and dysese symple sowles, with
whiche thou hast nought at al to medle ne entermete. But wonder wyckedly
woldest thou trete them, yf soo were that no wyght wold help them ne
defende. Flee thy weye fast, and goo clayme thy
ryght in other place, for with this sowle thou shalt
nought haue to medle.'
Than sayd this Sathanas with a despytous
chere: `Flee thou fast
hennes', quod he, for thou hast nought to withsaye me of pylgryms
that mysgoyn, whiche by
theyr own mysgouernauncea forlettyth
the ryght way of vertu & take my wey. I ne
clayme nought ther thy ryght is. Nomore ne clayme
thou ther myn is. For what tyme that the Souerayne
Kynge had banysshed me oute of his Blysful Presence,
and cast me doune in to this mysery and mescheuous estate that I now
am ynne, he yafe me thenne lycence - at the leste he
hath me suffred - to doo moche thyng to engendre and
to portreye fygures to my resemblaunce, the whiche I
clepe myne owne creature, as
Enuye, Treson, and suche other with al the
generacyon of these olde vyces that walkyn by the
world in my name for to lette pilgryms of theyr
weye. And now haue I done so moche, that the
multytude of my generacyon is grete and euery day
encrecynge. Wherfor it must nedes come to that ende,
that no pylgrym escape, that he ne shal be snarlyd in my trappe. And al
they must passe by me. And namely they that wylfully
foruoyen, as this hath done
whiche that I clayme as for my prysoner, for he ne
couthe euer gone other than wrong wey - this wotest
thou wel thyself - ne neuer beleuyd the of no thyng,
ne dyde by thy conseyl, but alwey enforcyd hym for to do that
was to thy dysplesyng syth the tyme that thou fyrste
took hym and the charge of hys gouernaunce. That was
the tyme whan thou sawest himb fyrste passe the water for
to come in to the hows of Grace Dieu, where that [3r]
she yaf hym many fair yeftes.
There where thou thy self specially assigned for to
withdrawe hym by thy good counceil fro all maner of
euyl and for to defende hym fro my handes. And also
be it that thou hast done thyne labour and
besinesse, he couthe the neuer thanck - this wotest
thou wel thy self - ne neuer he ne sette by the, ne
dide the reuerence, ne lefte his fowle lustes in priue ne aperte,
by cause of thy presence. I wote neuer why thou
defendist hym. Hit semeth me folye, thou hast no
cause therto. Lete me alone therfor to do that my
ryght is, for noo thyng skylfully maye lette
me therof.'