How the Angel Wardeyn of the Sowle Defendeth
ita fro the Fendis Malice
Capitulo Secundo
This yongling answerd
than, and saide `I haue wel and pleynly herd and
vnderstonde thy wordys, and wel I wote that there
neuer was of these, ne of none other no malyce
purposyd ne perfourmed, but only thurgh thy
wykkednes. And yf thou haddest ony good conneb, such
maner of malyce had neuer be purposyd.'
`How myht thou
sey', quodc he, `that I ne couth no good, sith
that the prophete preyseth me so moche that he sayde
I was ful of wysedom and of beaute. Yf I was ful of
wysedome, how was I, vnconnyng,
so that myn vnconnyngd, as thou seyst, was cause of al meschyef?'
To this answerd this yonglyng, myn Aungel. `These
wordes', quod he, `whiche were sayd of the prophete
Ysaye3, apperteyneth to thy mayster
Lucifer, but he and his mynystres ben one in effect,
wherfor I admytte these wordes seyd to the. And I
graunt wel, that thou were ful of wysedom, as the
prophete seyth. And yet couthest thou no good, but
thou were of thylke
that he spekyth of elles were and seith sapientes
sunt vt faciant mala. Bonum autem facere nescierunt4. Thou and thy
felaushyp were wyse ynowe, ye
veray ful of wysedom for to done euyl thynges, but
good thynges couthe ye neuer doo, for wysedom is
taken there but for an abylyte of connyng, whiche abylyte is
indyfferent to good and to euyl. And thou applyedest
thyne abylyte to the werse partye.
And soo couthest thou neuer good, but moche malyce
and wyckednes. And so thou techyst other, so that
had nouht [3v]
thy cursyd wysedom be, ther had neuer malyce be purposyd. For veray sothe
it is that the performyng of malyce standyth nought
in thy power, but only in Goddes suffraunce. But
the purposyng of malyce is thyne owne properte, whiche God ne
oweth not of ryght to byreuen
the. Soo thenne thow besyest
the after thy propyrte
to purpose malyce, and for to torne good purpoos in to euyl. And so
thou done alwey syth thou bygan. So is that cursyd
nombre encrecyd, whiche thou clepest
thy creatures, that is the cursyd multitude of
synnes acursyd of the Souerayne Creatour that seyth maledicta
creatura eorum, quia inutilis5. Acursyd be
the creature of them, for it is vnprofytable. And so
yf that my pylgrim hath ought done that is
vnprofytable, that is by the, and of thyne excytyng,
in that thou hast steryd
ayenst hym all that cursyd company. Nought so, that
I purpose ne enforce me nought for to
excuse hym of al, ne for to mayntene hym in ony
maner errour. But as touchyng that I wil bringe hym
bifore Mychael the Prouost
of Heuene, to whome I wyl presenten hym as fast. And
yf thou canst ought alledgen that may ben ageynst
hym, wherby thou woldest clayme hym for thy
prysoner, come fast byfore the iuge and he shal do
the ryght, for I my self am no iuge for to doo
iustyce, but only I am wardeyn
of this pilgrim for to gouerne hym, and kepe in to
the ende of iugement.'
Thenne said this Sathanas `Now certaynly', quod he,
`thou dost me open wrong for to assygne me a Iuge
that is, and euer hath ben, my capital
enemy: Michael, that drofe me out of Heuene. And wel
it semeth that thou purposist
vtterly to byreue me my praye with wrong, & to mayntene
hym in his errour, sithe thou assignest a iuge that
is nought indifferent, but
frend to your partye.'
Of this quod this Angel `I do the no wrong, for the
Iuge is of the Souerayne Kynge assigned to that
office, nought for this pilgrym, but generally for
alle. And though me ryght loth be', quod he, `thider
wol I go, for my cause is good, and grete right haue
I in myn askyng.