How the Sowle is Led to Iugement bitwene
the Aungel and the Fowle Sathanas
Capitulo Tercio
So was I thenne ledde
bytwene them bothe, & faste I was lyft vp in to
the eyer, the angel vpon my ryght syde and the fowle
wyght vppon the other syde.
But to this gentyl angel ful ofte cast I myn eye,
for drede of that other, whiche me lothed so moche,
and was of hym hugely in doute.
So thenne I byheld dounward for to see the Erthe,
and sothely me semyd the see and the Erthe al to
geders no more but as it hadde ben a lytel towne or
castel. And yet semyd me moche more nerre than it
was byfore. In this ayer sawe I many a merueylous
wonderful and dyuerse sightec.
The Erthe semyd me al clere and transparaunt, soo
that I myght see clerely al that was withynne.
Thenne byhelde I the Centre euen in the myddes,
whiche was wonder derck in it self, and was aboute enuyronned by ordre of lesse
derke matere and lesse, so that the ouermoost of the
Erth was moost clere and alwey the clerenesse amenussyng dounward by veray
formal processe anone to the Centre, that was veray
derke withoute ony parcel of clerenes. Nought for thy al was
transparaunt, ryght as glas, to the maner of my
syght, whiche was that tyme al other than was my
flesshely syght whyle that I lyued in Erthe.
And ryght as the fletyng ayer yeuyth place to the
flyght of byrdes, or as the flowyng water to
swymmyng of fysshes, ryght so was al this Erthe
passyble to spirites.And also thyck they passyd on
euery syde to and fro, as motys
fletyn in the sonne beme, as wel in the eyer aboue
as in the erth bynethen, wendyng alwey to and fro
withoute ony cessyng. These
spirites also in theym self were dyuerse and disparayble, bothe in theyr
personnes and also in theyr wonderful occupacyons,
of whiche I had ful grete merueyl,
for the syght of some thynges that I sawe gladyd moche my herte, and the
syght of somme other thynges dyscomfortyd
me hugely, ne suche thynges wold I nought haue trowyd yf I had nought seen it
my self.
But this fayr yonglynge myn angel ne taryed nought
at al, but hastely he hyed to brynge me to myn
iugement toward a ful merueylous place, whiche I
byhelde a fer byfore me, bryght shynynge, enflammed
with huge lyght. To this place he ledde me nought
wythynne, but made me abyde without, where was an
huge multytude gadred, and were abydyng for the same
cause lyke as I was. This Angel myn wardeyn left me
there withoute and wende hym self withynne.
[3v] This companyb that was withoute
cryeden besily to saynt Mychael, eueryche for his
party, with hye voys, and sayde `Mychael Prouost,
delyuer vs our praye and our prysoners!' Myn enemy
this grysely ghoost also bygan to cryen, wherof I
was ful gretely annoyed and in ful hyghe discomfort.