How Alle the
Aungels Wardeyne Comforted Their Soules in
Capitulo l
Thenne after this, eueriche
Angel come to his owne pilgrym with his boyst of Grace specialle ouer this
general that we hadde byfore. Thenne come to me myn
Angel and sayde: `Now see and take hede how trewe
and trysty frendes hast thou
had in Erthe, whiche hauen ful wel laboured for thy
nede for to helpe and ese the in thy greuous peynes.
They haue purueyed this boyst ful of Grace, wherby thou
shalt be gretely releuyd. Thou owest for to conne them ryght good thank, me
semeth, and soo shal al other that therof shal be partyners.'
With this he discouered the boyst, and yete
out the oynement in the fyre abouen and al aboute
me, which as me semyd releuyd me so moche I fond
neuer yet thyng that plesyd me so wel.
And after this, eueryche of these other pylgrymesa
were in my companye comen to me and seyden: `Dere
syre, we thanken yow with al oure hertes of the
grete goodenesse that thy frendes haue done to the
and to vs, for therby we felyn oure seluen hyely
comfortid and amendyd of oure greuous peyne. Thanked
be God and ye.',
`What may this be tho?', seyd I
to myn angel. `This is a wondre thynge; this was my
parte in special, that ye haue now dispendyd on me.
How is it that these other ben partyners therof?'
Thenne sayd myn Aungel `These maner of ghoostely
goodes ben nought of condicion lyke to the goodes of
the world, that ben restreyned in to special
possession, so that in as moche as one hath it,
another must nedes lacken, and one mannes welthe
maketh many wretches. But who that doth ony
ghoostely good to one creature, he doth in [41r]
comune to al, as thou shalt clerly knowen herafter,
for yet shalt thou ben partyner
with them of the benefyces that ben done to them of
theyr frendes, wherfore thou shalt thanke them
goodely as they hauen thanked the. For it fareth by
charyte as it fareth by lyght. Soothe it is that if
a grete company be in a derk hous withoute comfort
of lyght, and some one hath a frend that bringeth
lyght in to this hows, special to hym that he
loueth, no doute also good part of the lyght mowe
haue al the remenaunt that ben in the hows - yf the
lyght be clere - as he to whome it was brought in
special. In the same wyse it standeth by dedes of
Charite, whiche that ben ghostely. For eueryche that
nedyth shal parten therwith.'
Hit plesyd me wel that he seyd, and wel I wyst that
it was very sothe. But alwey, how that euer it
stood, euery daye ten tymes or more, come Sathanas
with his cursyd meyny, and
wenten to a forneys and there
they besyed them, fast
arrayeng the fire. Grete murmur I herde amonges
them, wherof I vnderstood but litel, sauf that Sathanas thus seyd to
his felaushyp: `Alle that we done is dere ynowe a rysshe, for this fleynge
messagyer quencheth oure fyre with her comynge, and
these wardeynes ne suffren vs nought for to done our
deuoyre. Lete vs be gone and
auengen vs vppon this noious
messager. Lete vs a lytel withdrawen and lye in a
wayte, yf it soo may happen that we may ought letten
hym of his occupacion.