The Angel Answerd
to this Question
`Now', quod this Angel,
`take hede a lytel what I shal sey to the, and as I
suppose I shal appese the somwhat. Sothe it is, if a
man would telle the that he had eten notes, thou
woldest nought vnderstonde that he had ete the bark
of the note, ne the scale withouten, but only that
he had eten the kernel. And yet it is euerydele to
geders cleped the note.
`Ryght so it is of Helle, as it is of a note. The
kernel, that is al withynne as the principal parte
of the note, is kouered withoute with three
partes.`Fyrst & next the kernel is the pyle, that is as it were the bordure of this kernel, whiche
closith it aboute, right as an appel is closid with
the parynge. Thenne calle I this
kernel the bytter peynes of Helle after the ryght
name, where al tho ben put that by their owne
consent hauen deserued the eternal wrecche
& indignacion of our Souerayne Lord.
`But in this bordure withouten, ther ben put the
children that ben not baptised ne clensid fro Synne
Orygenal, ne hauen not deserued in dede the hye
wreeche of God. They ben alwey ther in derkenes, and
neuer perceyuen lyght. The peyne of these is only
that they lacken the syght of God, and alwey shall
lacke, as doctours haue determyned.
`This is cleped the peyne of harme that is withouten
felyng. Here in this mater many mans hertes ben
gretely enbryked, and they
asken this question: how myght it stande, that God,
whiche is not only ryghtwys, but pyteous and
merciful, and of his Mercy, as Dauyd seith, there
may be lymyted none ende ne nombre, that he shold
thus punysshe sely sowles to endeles dampnacion of
peyne and derkenesse, that neuer offendid in thought
ne in dede, but only ben infecte with the Synne
Orygenal? And why ne may nought the Passion of
Criste stande them in stede of socour and saluacion,
that neuer ne synned, although they were nought wesshen personelly, as wel as it
did them that were before Cristes deth, that hadden
some of them full greuously offendyd bothe in
thought and dede personelly? And why shold the good
Lord sorer punysshe the synne of Adam in such an
innocent withouten ony mercy than he dyd the sore
synnes of many mysdoers that after, by theyr owne
repentaunce & by the Passion of Cryst, were
fully releuyd & brouht in to the hye ioye
of Paradys, namely syth hym self seyth by the
"The b
sone shal not bere thec
synnes of the fader, ne thed
fader shal not
bere thee
synne of [46r]38 the sone, but
eueryche shal be punysshed for his owne forfet". For yf it so shold
be that these innocent for defaute
of baptym shold be tormented in eternal peyne, it
semeth that the Passion of Crist shold harmen theym,
as by occasion hit sholde, be cause of theyr meschyef. For had not Crist ben
incarnatid ne suffred Passion, than had not baptym
be nedeful, or elles it shold not haue auayled, ne
no creature haue ben dampned for defaute
therof, none other wise but as they were bifore the
Incarnacion of Crist?'
To this ansuerd myn Angel, & said in this wise.
`As touchyng this mater, the soth it is, that Seynt
Austyn holdeth vtterly, & Holy Chirche sewyng,
his sentence, whiche sentence is grounded in the
wordes of Cryste to Nychodemus, as Seynt Iohn39 recordeth. He
seith that an Innocent dyeng withoute baptym is
dampned withouten ende, & soth it is. But thenne
nedeth hit not to taken this dampnacion so largely,
that this Innocentes shold be peyned &
tormented, lyke to that haue deseruyd peynes by
theyr vnthryfty werkes. But they ben dampned, that
is to seye excludid and exiled, for euer oute of the
ioyeful Presence of our Lord, lackynge the reward
and that mede that a Cristen
man shal haue by merite of Cristes Passion. And this
peyne is clepyd peyne of harme. But peyne of felyng
haue they none at alle, for fire ne hete of fyre
felyn they. Only they ben in derkenes, not knowyng
of ioye, ne nought felyng of peyne ne sensyble
`And sothe it is that God ne punyssheth them not
sorer than tho in the Old Testament, but ryght as in
that tyme he that lacketh the Prerogatyf of Blysse
that to that Lawe bilongeth, yeuen of God to his
chosen peple, ryght so these in the Newe Testament
that lacken the lauement of baptym shalle lacken
also the Grace that bylongeth of ryght to euery
trewe Cristen.
`Ne this sentence of oure Lord that the sone shal
not bere the synne of the fader is nought to
vnderstande so largely, that it stretche to the
Synne of Adam, fader of mankynde, for only that
Synne it is, for whiche the Innocentes nought
baptised hauen this greuous damage. But the actuel
synnes of their forn faders ne shal not be punysshed
vpon the children, ne the childers synne vppon their
rather faders, excepte that if
either haue yeue cause and
occasyon of synne to other, than shal these causers
of that synne be punysshed, and nought therby the
synners be excused.
`And leue it wel, thatf
though the passiong
of Crist profite not these
to their ful saluacioni
, yet
it profiteth them so moch thatj
Sathanas lyeth
loken in the depthe of
Helle, so that he ne may not, ne none of his
mynystres, [44r] annoyen ne tormenten none
Innocent, as their malyce wold, ne harmen none
persone, but by his owne assent, or by specyal leue
yeuen hym of oure Lord aboue.
`We haue made in this mater ouer long digression,
for yet haue we to speke of the thyrdde parte of
this note. That is the schale,
whiche I lykene to this present peyne of Purgatory
whiche thou felyst. As now it nedeth nought to telle
the therof.
Aboue this noteshale isk
the couerynge that we clepyn the huske, wherto I
lyke this ouer spere whiche I clepid rather Abrahams
Bosome, in to whiche oure Lord Ihesu descendid and
spoiled it of the chosen sowles that had hym plesid
in Erthe.
`Wherfore thou shalt nought suppose that Holy
Chirche erre in this mater, for as these four partes
ben clepyd the hole note, ryght soo al these four
places to geders ben clepyd Helle within and
withoute, as for to speke largely. But streytely for
to taken Helle, as comyn fok conceyueth, hit is only
that place of meschyef where
that dampned soules ben peyned and tormented.
`Thorugh oute this ouermost bordure of Abrahams
Bosome passen al pylgryms when they ben purged, for
I vnderstande wel the tyme that many of oure forn
faders, that were ful holy men and ryghtwys,
in the Old Testament, were here in Purgatory brennyng theyr fardels, as thy self dost, ful
long tormentid in this fire, in to the tyme that
oure Lorde of his Mercy delyuerd them froo thens,
and lete them passe in to this ouer place, there to
abyden withoute peyne, sauf only lack of his ioyeful
Presence, in to the tyme of his Gracious Comynge for
mannes saluacion, when that hit plese hym to bycome
man and dye for mannes sake. For in to that tyme the
entre in to Paradys was closyd soo fast, that none
ne miht entre,
al were he neuer so rihtwys,
or neuer so clene purged of synne. But after tyme
that he hadde suffred dethe for mannes redempcion,
the entre was opened, andl
he had them thenne oute
of that place in to hye Heuene.'
What tyme that al this parlement was fynysshed, thennem
sayd to me myn Aungel `hit is now tyme', quod he,
`that thou see other thynges, wherof thou mayst haue
mynd herafter, and mater for to preyse and thanke
thy Blysful Lord God.'
And soo he took me anone by the hand, ledyng me with
hym. And not for that, yet lefte me not the
brennynge that I felte before, but alwey my peynes
shewed me where I yede, or elles
that I wente alweye costeyenge
this fyre whiche was wele more than alle the Erthe.
For withynne it wasn
[44v] enclosed the Erthe
and al that was therynne.
So in the eyre along by the Erthe I wente, as me
semyd, as I byfore haue vsed for to goo, but moche
more lyghtely and subtyly, so that ther was no walle
so hard ne soo thycke, ne toure ne hous so strong,
that let me of my weye. The sonne hath nought more
lyghter passage thorugh oute the glas, than was my
passage thorugh oute al thyng where that I went. And
soo sawe I other goo also wel as I, that with me
were in the same peyne.