How a Sowle Was
Peyned, for His Dettes Were Nought Payd
capitulo lxi
And after this I sawe
another, that was clene purged, whome his Angel
shold haue ledde in to blysse, hadde he nought be
let by a cofre where to he was
tyed and boundena
ful fast
grete cheyne. And thus I herd hym compleyne, seynge
to his frendes that shold haue ben by skyle: `O wretchid creatures!',
quod he, `that saiden somtyme that ye were my
frendes, and my wel willynge, wherfore I trust to
you vtterly, and made yow myn executours at my lyues
ende, supposynge that ye wold haue trewely done
youre deuoyre and paye my
dettys. But now haue ye scorned me and beiaped, for wele I wote that I
lefte ynow in your inuentary,
but I fynd of my dettes but litel payed, or nought
ne done for my nede. But ye halden myn good closid
in youre owne cofres, wherfor I am bounden here and
fastned, that I ne may nought hennes.
`Fast I counseyle yow that ye
vnbynde me of these vnesy boundes and payeth my
testament, other elles I seye yow for certeyn that
ye shal be dampned to eternal peyne. And not
withstandynge youre wretchid vnkyndenes, Grace Dieu
shal help me in brekynge of my boundes, for why vpon me is hit nought
long that it is nought payed, but on yow, that
falsely withholdith my goodes to youre owne vse. And
here am I peyned for my rechelnesse
only, that I ne had done my deuoyre
in my lif tyme, and also for I trust suche tryfelers
as ye to make myn executours, that litel rectheth of youre owne meschyef, and of myn peyneful
torment nought a dele at al.'