Of Wonderfull
Capitulo Sexto
I thenne, that al this sawe
and byhelde, soo grete horroure I had of these
merueylous peynes, that I fayled in my self, and
felle to the ground sodeynly in swounyng, but ful
soone myn aungell reysed me and sette me on my fete
Thenne I sawe two grete hepes
of suche wretchid caitifs in
wonder greuous peyne. That one hepe hadde aboute
them many greete wolues, whiche eten the caitifs,
and with their sharp teeth raced
al to pyeces. They in that other hepe leyen euen
vpright, gapyng with their throte. And Sathanas toke
molten bras, and cast it therynne.
`O dere wardeyn', quod I, `these merueylous peynes abasshen me gretely. Techeth me,
what menen these wonderfull peynes?'
`Of dyuerse tormentes', quod this angell, `ther ben
ful many mo than thou hast sene, for ful fewe it ben
sothely, that yet hauen be shewed the; for now hast
thou first bigonne for to see the peynes. Yf I shold
shewe the al, ouerlong shold the seme that I helde
the here. But somme wylle I that thou see, to that [54v]
entent, that thou therby be the more meke and
lowely to thy Lord God, that hath the preseruyd fro
soo moche meschyef, for
sothly, ther is no torment here, that thou ne hast
deseruyd, had nought the plente of his Grace, that
hath the forborne, and
graunted the to be purged with more esy peynes,
whiche ben veray ioyes in comparisona of the
greuous peyne of Helle, that neuer shal be ended.