The Peynes for Glotonye
Capitulo Nono
Thanne sawe I yet another
companye, of whiche fowle Sathanas slytte the
throte, and drowe oute theyr tonges vnder the chyn.
And these were leyd a long vpon a table that was
couchid with sulfur and with quyck
coles, whiche brente them ful
bytterly with the fowle flamme that roose oute ther
`These ben folk', quod myn angel, that hadde none
other cure ne besynes, but only to fyllen
theyr belyes. They hadde none other lust, but al day syt at the
table. These haue ben bollers of wyn and of ale, dronkelewe surfetours,
so vnmesurable in
their expensys, that many other myght haue ben fed
and fulfylled with theyr superfluytes.
But soo moche hauen they loued and [56r]
delyted in the passage of the fowle throte and in
the lady of the besy forge, that forgeth with hyr
teeth al that she wyl cast in to his gorge, and what
ne lyketh hyr nought, she
casteth it oute ageyne. Suche folk haue ben soo delycate and lothe to good werkes,
that now hath glotony them by the gorge or that they be ware, and ther
they be rent and to racyd,
slitted and euell woundid.
`Dame Tonge, the maystresse of this forge, is put
oute of hyr place by cause of hyr ryote, and not by the dore,
but vnder the threshfold drawen oute, for that they
went al that she wrought in to a fowle swolewe, that stanke
ful hydously. Ther had she alle hyr luste and alle
hyr delyte. Now mowe this folke swolewe ynowe of the
fyre of Helle, and lycken till them lothe. One
auauntage they haue: the wyndowe is open. In this
fyre haue they theyr sepulture; none
other be they worthy, with the riche
gloton, that lacketh water to kele
with his tonge.'