Here They Metyn
with Dyuerse
Folk of
Capituloa xxiii
In the mene tyme, whyle we
yet were talkyng of this mater, I mett in the weye
moche dyuerse peple of men and of wymmen, my frendes
and my kyn, and also many other, whiche I right wel
knewe. I wolde haue spoke to them, but I ne myght
nought, but passed them wonder smartely.
Ne they vnto me made no maner
semblaunt, more ne lesse. Of this thyng wold I
nedes knowen the cause, and asked of myn aungel:
`Why is it', quod I, `that I ne may nought speken to
this peple wiche that I knowe, and why make they to
me no chere ne semblauntb of knowlege?'
`Hast thou foryeten', quod he, `that thou arte departid fro thy body? And soo
be not they, but they ben abydyng in bodely lyf, in
the whiche lyf al the whyle that they ben abydynge,
for to sene the may they haue no power, sothly they
hauen the nouther felyd ne
sene, ne thy self hast no power for to speke to
them, by cause thou haddest no lycence.
And certeyn that lycence is nought easy to gete,
spyrytes for to speken to dedely people, ne reson
wyl it nought, for why they
shold ther by be gretely distractid and abasshed, namely syth they may
nought [69v] sene bodyly suche that speketh
to them. And yf it so is that ony geteth leue in
that wyse to speken to his frendes, hit is graunted
to hym of God of very specialte for somme pryue cause. For soothly, in
generall no spyrite hath that power.'
`I beseke yow', said I, `how may it soo be that this
fyre, which that tormenteth vs peyned spyrytes,
harmeth nought ne hurteth these mortal creatures,
namely sith hit so is that I see them wel euen among
these peynes that I my self am ynne. And wel I wote
that clene withoute synne ben they nought; that is
withoute doute.'
`Certes', quod myn aungel, `this folke that thou
seest here in this mortal lyf neyhen nought this
fyre, though the seme els. For sothly this fyre that
felyst thou, excedeth nought thyne owne subtyle persone, ne in dedely
bodyes this fyre hath no power while they ben here a
lyue. But after that they ben passid fro that lif,
thenne shalle theyr bodyes ben purged, nought with
fyre, but by rotyng in the erthe in to the Last Day
of Iugement. And thenne shall al erthely thyng be
purged so with fyre, ryght as fyn gold, and euery
thynge receyuen clerenesse after his dygnyte. Tho
that ben founden fyne gold shal be receyued in to
the Kynges tresoure, and tho that ben founden asshes
and synder shal be cast oute in to that other fyre
bynethe to brenne for euer.
`Ne hit were no right that God shold punysshe them
in that lyf with suche maner of peynes in to the
tyme that they ben iuged of the Prouost, and alle
theyr merytes weyen ryght as
thyn were. For soothe it is, though they now be
sinners and of mysgouernaunce, yet may they
herafterward doo soo grete penaunce & so many
good werkes, that this fyre shal fynde in them
nothyng to brenne ne purge. And suche wylful
purgacion by bodely penaunce in the flesshely lyf
God accepteth moche more than this that thou
suffrest by a thousand
parte, for this is nought in thyn choys, nouther
qualite ne quantite, ne perdurabylyte
of thy peyne, but only at his owne plesaunce.
`Also in that lyf, whyle body and sowle ben abydynge
to geders, the body, that is chyef cause and mater
of synne, suffreth the peyne that is taken of
wylfull penaunce, or that God sendeth of sykenesse,
of whiche penaunce, though the spirite fele, yet he
reioyeth, for cause it is in his owne election,
hopynge ther by to be relecid in the present peynes
of Purgatory. Ne he may nought therof be deceyued.
`But the body that rooteth in the erthe felyth noo
peyne. Therfore abydeth the sowle the bargeyn for
them bothe, by cause [70r] that he dyde not
his deuoyre to purgen and
punysshen his flesshe by penaunce whyle it was in
his owne power.
`Also somme mowe soo moche appeyren by synne in that
flesshely lif, that this fyre shalle not medle with
them, for they ben reseruyd to the fire of Helle.
For this fyre draweth only to tho for whiche it is