Here He Telleth of the Champyon of
Capitulo xxxviii
`Of the knyght', quod
I,`that standeth besydes this ymage, yet haue ye
seid me no thynge at al.'
`Ful soothe it is', quod myn aungel. `But ful soone
I shalle seye the somwhat therof. There was somtyme
a noble kynge, that hyght Poeticus, of grete power
and wonder grete renoume. To
this kynge, by cause of his worshyp and also for his
worthynesse, knowen in to full ferre countreesa,
ther come knyghtes and soudyours
of many dyuerse costes for to
see worshyp, and also for to done hym seruyse in
what hym nedid, supposyng therby for to geten
honoure and fame where that they shold come after. For why soo grete and worthy name
had this kyng, neuer none had gretter sith the world
bigan, so that his loos and
his fame spred euerywhere in to ferre countre by
longe tyme, withouten admenusynge
or lesynge ought of his renoune.
`Soo after a grete whyle there come to his court a
knyght of a straunge countreb for to
seken worship, for as moch as
he had herd speke of the worthynes of this noble
kynge. And as it happed the tyme of his comyng,
there was no meyne walkyng ne
sterrynge in the court, ne
no wyght founde whome to speken to in spedynge of his purpoos.
`Soo walked he forth tylle he come to the entre of a
lytel gardeyn, where he sawe syttyng vnder an ympe
in an herber a wonder fayre damoysel
of passynge beaute, that ful bitterly wept; grete doel and pyte was hit to byholde.
He salewed hyr goodly, and
she welcomed hym ful connyngly, as
she wel couthe. The knyght thenne asked of hyr why
she wepte so. But she wold nought tellen hym, but
said it was for a thynge nought hym for to knowe.
`So left this knyght to aske ony more of that mater,
but he enquyred of hyr [85v] where the kynge
was. But thenne began she to wepe wel faster than
byfore. "Now worthy knyght", quod she,
"I preye yow of youre gentilnes
and for the loue of God, yf ye lyst
for to sene hym, abydeth for to
morowen, And thenne cometh, and ye shalle me fynden
in this same place. And I ensure yow feythfully I
shalle brynge yow to a place wheere ye shalle sene
hym alle youre hertes fylle.
`Thenne said this knyght "I wylle with ryght
gode herte doo by youre counceylle. But parauenture, whan I am
retorned I fynde yow nought here, ne knowe nought
youre name, thenne sholde I hold my seluen as
deceyued, and fayle of my purpoos."
"I am", quod she, "by my ryght name
cleped Lyberalyte. And here shalle ye fynde me to
morne at this tyme. Asketh of me now no moo demaundes, I praye yow. I am
soo full of sorow and of heuynes,
that I haue no herte to speke to yow, ne to doo yow
suche chere as to
youre estate bylongeth."
`The knyght soo departid, and vpon the morowe he
come thyder ageyne, right as he was assigned. This
damoysel was redy and honestly receyued hym, and
took hym by the hande, and soo ledde hym forthe in
to the paleys, where the kyng was that tyme with
full lytell meyny of noblesse
or of worthy persones.
`But he found in his presence an old vnsemely one -
I ne can nought calle hyr lady, ne wil nought
dishonoure the honeste of wymmen with so fowle a
name as she semyd worthy. She was ryght fowle
disfigured with a lothely mouthe, whiche that sat al
a wry in ful dishonest wise. This same of whome I
speke pletid and held
parlement ful vnwomanly bifore the kynges presence,
and bare hyr seluen boldely, right as she were
maystresse and hadde alle the gouernement of the
kyng and his houshold.
`What tyme that this worthy knyght sawe this maner
of doyng, he helde hym self abasshed
and desmayed, and anone retourned hym, withouten ony
speche, seyng to this damoysell whiche had brought
hym there: "What is this", quodc he,
"that I am comen to seken oute of so ferre
countre? Sothly I am deceyued, and that wonder foule, of this kynge that I
haue now sene, for I haue herd all otherwyse speken
of his persone than I see at this present tyme with
myn eye. But seye me", quod he, "gentil damoisell,
what meneth al this, and what is this old one that
soo besily pleteth in the kynges presence."
"O", quod this damoiselle, "my dere gentil knyght, for these same it
is that I am thus in anguysshe and dysese. For I was wont to be loued of the kyng, more
than ony other, and euer in his companye. And [86r]
that tyme was he lyke to a lord, and euery man hym
loued and recommendid. Thenne
he hadde pryce and renome wel more than euer hadde
Salamon. But now, allas! with sorowfull herte that I
shall ought seye other than worshyp by hym that I
haue foundend soo noble a lord. For now hath
he had newe counceylle of folke newe comen, whiche
haue brought hym fro bynethen the erthe this old one
that ye seeth, and dryuen me oute of his presence.
"And soothe it is, he is ful wery of hyr,
sauynge that he dare not offende these counceylours.
They ben so wonder wyse, and ben as ful of eyen as
euer was Argus, that had a thousand eyen. The
beestes that Seynt
Iohan88 sawe, that were so full of eyen before
& behynd, sawe not half so clerely. Wherfore
hath he grauntede and establysshed that alle
thynge ordeyned and deuysed by theyr counceylle
shall be hold and kepte of alle men, be they more or
lesse. And sothely the kynge ne thynketh none other,
as I suppose, but that all theyr ordynaunce is to
his hye honoure & worshyp.
"And yf he wyst the contrary, withouten doute
he wold not long suffre them. He wold rather dye,
for wyte it wel, syre knyght, theyr ordynaunces
whiche they maken is to grete greuaunce
and oppressynge of the poure peple.
"Ful soothe it is that Pharao put the children
of Israel in to grete seruage
and in to grete afflictions. But no wonder was it,
for they were straunge foreyners, nought of his
propre peple, wherfore, though that he put them in
trauaile and distresse, it was not moche merueyle,
ne soo moch mystoke hym not as yf he hadde thus
oppressyd his owne kyndely
peple of his owne countre.
"But here is it other wise, for nought only
straungeours, but also the kyndely borne men of this
same land ben troubled & dysesed by counceylle
of these fals deceyuours. Soo they leden the kynge
at theyr owne lust, ryght as
tutours and curatours, for to ordeyne and gouerne
hym ryght as he were to yonge within age and couthe
nought gouerne hym seluen."
"But wote ye euer", quod the knyght,
"yf the kyng take ony grete auauntage by these
folkes gouernaunce?"
"Soothly", quod this damoisel, "neuer
a dele at al, but it torneth euen contrary. But they
hauen the auauntage, and he moche harme. Hit is wel
seene in theyr howses, for they hauen gold ynowe to
bye & purchace grete londes and rentes. They
haue plente of ieweles & of siluer vessel. But
the kyng hath nought wherof to paye for his mete,
but of white stikkes that no thyng auailen, wherof
it is grete pite for to knowe and here. Thus is the
kynge of his people [86v] waryed
and cursid, soo that meschyef and mysauenture mote
nedes falle at the laste; bothe he and his court
torne to nought and vtterly be destroyed. For
soothely, alle his trewe seruauntes ben departid fro
hym, for drede of the old deuel that hath hym vnder
"But whyle that he was woned
to haue me in his companyf, and we lyued to
geders in ioye and gladnesse of herte, thenne was
the kynge moche preysed and worshypped in alle the
world aboute. Wherfore, sithe I see this fowle
monstruous old one brought in to his companye for to
fordone his noble renome, and
I am cast oute fro hym to his grete dishonoure, no
wonder though I dye for sorowe. And yet weyle I more the lesyng of the
kynges worshyp than of myn owne dysese,
for he had more worshyp by me than euer I had by
hym, or may haue herafter."
`Thenne said the knyght: "now, gentil damoysel,
cesse of thy weypyng, for wel I see that thou art to
the kynge stedfast and trewe, and louest hym
hertely. But seye me, what wolt thou yeue me yf I
make thy pees, so that the kynge put awey that foule
mysfarynge old one, and take
the to his companye ageyne?"
"Certes", quod she, "ther shalle
neuer be that day that ye shalle fayle of my loue.
And yf I may els doo, that may be to youre worship
and myn, I shalle hit done ful gladly with all my
"Now by Seynt George", quod this knyght,
"I shal speke to the kyng; I wol no longer
"Syre kyng", quod he, "God yeue yow
moche worshyp! With huge ful peyne
and laboure I am comen fro ful ferre countre for
to visite and see youre ryal estate, and for to
honouren yow after my symple power, for as moche as
I haue herd speke of youre full excellent and noble
persone, of whiche the renome is spred in all the
world about. Soo haue I syth
come in to youre land founden the soothe, that ye
ben worshipfully gouerned with iustice in youre
iugementes and youre assyses. Al youre offycers in
the countre done wel theyr deuoyre.
That moche plesith my herte, wherfore ye ben moche
to preyse and commende.
"But of another thyng haue I herd speke. Sythe
I come to yourg
countre, by whiche youre loos
& worship moche empeyreth,
I haue founden a damoisell fayre
and gracious, ne were nought here importable sorowes that she
maketh hyr teres and hyr pytous wepynge, whiche ye
were woned to cherisshen and to
loue right as youre owne paramoure. And standyngeh
soo that she hath nought mystaken hyr, ne no thyng
mysdone, but moche honour and worship haue ye had by
"Ye haue [87r] cast hyr oute for an vnthrifty and
vnsemely tyraunt, whiche ye haue take in hyr stede,
for whiche thyng al folke preyseth yow the lesse,
and lesse wylle herafter, whyle that she is with yow
in companyei. Wherfore by my counceyll:
casteth hyr fro yow, and take to yow that other, as
it better bysemeth youre honourable persone &
also your worshypfull and royall estate."
"Fayr syre", quod the kynge, "ye
speketh of a thynge wherof ye knoweth lytell. The
damoysel that ye speketh of, haue I not put awey, ne
taken this other, but my counceylle hath done hit
for my greete profite and worshyp. I must nedes trowe my counceyll, and be
gouerned after them, as euery kyng mote yf he wyll
sauen his honoure, soo that I nyl not cast awey this
olde, ne receyue the yong, but yf I doo it by the
counceylle of them that brought me to gouernaunce.
But therto suppose I nought that they wylle
"And how wylle ye", quod this knyght,
"suffren them thus bytrayen yow, withdrawynge
youre worshyppe and youre fame by suche maner of gouernaunce?"
"I wote nought", quod the kynge", but
I byleue fully they done hit for my worshyp and my
"Soothly", quod this knyght", and I
shalle anone right bifore yow prouen the contrary,
and shewen yow openly that tho, whiche yaue yow this
counceyllj: haue done aweye the worship of
youre name. And falsely is it done, and traitourly,
of who so euer it be. And of treson I appele them here in presence of
you, and of alle youre baronage. And here I wage my
gloue to proue this vppon their persones with my
right hand. Make them to come in to your presence,
for I am redy for to take this bataille, be there
neuer soo many. Therfore wille I not spare, soo
moche I triste in the trouth of
my quarell, and soo moche treson I knowe in their
persones, soo that I will not leue them till I haue
made them for to crye yow mercy and knowleche
their treason, that they haue falsely and wickedly
put Liberalite oute of youre presence, and brought
in Couetyse.
Wherfore, sire kynge, doth me right as touchynge
this appele, for ye maye nought with worship werne
me myn askyng; ye knoweth well you seluen."
"Soothly", quodk the kyng, "I
graunt yow this bataill for to be done in the playn
ordeyned therfore, the eighte daye after this daye
"And I accepte this iourneye",
quod the knyght," with ful gladde chere al
redy, anone right in this same houre."
"And I shall", quod the kynge,
"sitten present as iuge. And in this eighte
dayes I [87v] enquere whiche of them alle is
moost able to defende this quarel and take hit on
`Soo thenne at the eyghte daye the feld was arrayed.
The kynge set in his tente redy for to see this
bataylle. Forth cometh this knyght, ful thriftely armed, and
entred the feld. And whan that the heraudes hadde
made theyr proclamacion, hym seluen of hye courage
byganne to cryen, and seyde: "Cometh fort, ye
cursid traitours that haue bytrayd youre lyege lord
youre kynge, byreuynge hym
his good fame and honourable loos.
Cometh forthe, I defye yow as fals and vntrewe. I
shal slytte youre belyes and shewen the treson
openly, whiche ye haue withyn yow pryuely counceyled.
Cometh forthe oute, and shewe yowre selue
`soo this knyght abode a
wonder long tyme, appelynge these traytours. But
none was so bold ne so hardy for to shewe hym selue,
wherfore the peple that there was assembled and had
longe abyden were annoyed gretely.
`The kynge thenne, syttynge in his tente abydynge
this bataylle, lette cryen pees, that he myht haue audyence to
speke to this knyght. Soo was this knyght cleped to
the kynges presence, and he vnhelmed hym and come
before the kynge, to whome the kyng said:
"Fayre sire", quod he, "I hold the
for a worthy and a valyauntl knyght, ful able
to moche worshippe, and worthy for to bere the signe
of knyghthode and of worthynesse. For thou hast
manfully pursewed thyn appele
and hast deserued victorye of thyne aduersaryes. And
in as moche as they wol nought apperen, I deme them
culpable. I wol neuer trusten them herafter. But
they shalle haue their peynes,
as to suche fals traitours belongeth. And I yeue the
worship of the felde, as thou hast wel deserued.
"And my self I abandoune to be gouerned after
thy counceill, wherfor make come to me the
damoiselle for whome thou tooke this batail. And
this olde one, I will that she be voided as fast, withouten ony
`And so was this damoisel Liberalite brought to the
kynge, and that other put oute of his presence, by
the which thynge the kyng recouered suche honoure
and preising of the peple, so that al folk loued hym
entyerly, as they owed their lyege lord, with al
their hoole hertes.
`And here myght thou see the courage and manfulhede
of a good knyght. Here myght thou see the meschyef of vntrewe
counceylle, that made this gentil Lyberalite prisond
and put out of presence, and cursid Couetise cleped
in to courte, and coupled to soo hye a persone of
estate as is the kynge hym selue. Caste and ymagyne
euery man his luste, [88r] worship and
couetyse acordeth
not to geders, but they ben euen contrarym.
Who that loueth that one, he voyded that other
withouten ony doute.
`Now I seye the that this worthy kyng for the grete
courage of knyghthode and trewe counceylle that he
fond in this noble knyght,he lete grauen his ymage
and set it here in this open place for to be had in
contynuel remembraunce, and to that ende that euery
kynge therafter shold take ensample
to kepen hym seluen fro vntrewe counceylle. And this
is thynge wel knowen to all tho that dwellen nyhe
the place where this statua standethn here in
open syght.’
Explicit Liber Quartus