The Sowle Axeth a
Questyon of the Mansyons of Heuene
Capitulo Secundo
`Syth ye haue', quod
I,`said me thus moche, yet wyll I asken a lytell
what more, yf hit lyke yow,
for to seye me of that I coueyte
to knowe of these worldes and these wonder mansions
in whiche the Seyntes of Heuen dwellen. Somwhat I
see, but fayne wold I yet knowe a lytel what more,
for to vnderstande better that I haue herd before.'
`O swete God', quod he, `what seist thou, hast thou
not lyued in Erthe more than fourty winter? And yet
for al thy peyne and besynes that thou haste put to
lernynge with labour of thy wyttes, yet knowest thou
but lytel of the world in regard of alle. And now
thou arte comen hyder, thou woldest knowe anon al
that ther is, merueylous ordynaunces that ben
withoute nombre. But certes, that shalt thou neuer
knowe in to the tyme that thou
haue behold in the Mirrour [93r] of the
Souerayne Deyte, that is God hym seluen, wherin thou
shalt see clerely all that thou canst desire.
`I see nought but that I will gladly telle the somme
thynges in speciall, of whiche thou haste moost
desire to knowe. For yf I shold speke of all, I
shold neuer make an ende. So saye me thenne, wherof thou
hast lieuest for to here.'
`Of eyghte worldes', quod I, `wherof thre ben
corowned with flowres of disparayle kynde and
coloure eueryche fro other. Herof wolde I here
tydyng with right grete desire. One of them is
coroned with faire rede rosys, that other with rodys, and the thyrd with lusty prymerosys and lylyes, entermellyd and graciously
`Of these thre worldes and of the other fyue I hadde
leuer here speke than ony thynge elles, for cause of
the grete ioye that I see therynne. Ther is none
herte that he ne must be rauysshed with desire of
soo hyhe and excellent gladnes of this Rial Cyte, whiche that I am ynne;
thanked be the Lord of his Grace.'