How the Sowle Was
Beden to Answere to this Iugement
Capitulo xiiii
O gloryous Ihesu, so grete
drede thenne and heuynesse had
thorugh percyd my herte, soo that I ne wyst what to
do ne saye. But when I saw myn wardeyn holde hym
self stille, me dredde moche more. He sayde to me
thenne that I shold for my self answere to these
artycles of myn accusement. And yf I couthe or myght
defende my cause, for to me properly it was
appertynent. Other elles yf I couthe nought ne
durste nought in myne owne persone, I shold clepe me
somme aduocate that for me myght speke in the Court.
And when I herd hym speken of an aduocate, I gan to
bythenke to me yf euer I had seruyd ony seynt whiche
at this dystresse wold take my cause on honde. For
wel I wist that aduocates be not so nyce for to pleden ony mannys
cause withouten that it be deseruyd, other elles
that they stonde in hope to be rewarded after. But
as for so powre a man as I there wold none aduocate
pleden without wages paid byfore in honde, for
pledours in worldly courtes hauen tonges lyke to the
languet of the balaunce that draweth hym alwey
to the more peysaunt party that
better wyl rewarden. But neuertheles, the aduocates
of Heuene, when I had al assayd,
I fond al of another condycyon, for surely I fond
them for the porest most redy for to speke
But thenne I bethought me that no thyng had I to
yeuen myne aduocate, ne I ne had in my lyf no seynt
seruid in specyal, to whom by counseyl of Iob I
myght torne my self to prayen to taken my quarel on
hond after these wordes ad aliquem
sanctorum conuertere12.
Thenne of heuynesse that tho distressyd me I made
this compleynt: