How the Cursid
Sathanas Accusith the Sely Sowle
Capitulo xiii
But thenne bigan to crye my
wikked aduersarye, and said in this wise:
`Mychael, entende to me ward,
for I shal telle the al another tale. The sothe it
is, that it ne auaileth nought only to passe the
water, ne to ben wesshen ther ynne withouten that he
kept hym seluen afterward in clennesse and honeste.
Wel I wote - I withsaye it nought – this pilgrim
passid the water, and was therynne wasshen and fully
clensyd of alle his rather
fylthe. But also soone as he had knowyng of good and
euyl, he set but litel by that wesshyng, but cast
hym self as a swyn [7v] in ordure and in
fylthe, ne he hath not alowyd
this weschyng. For yf he had, he wold not therafter
eftsone wilfully haue defiled him self, wherfor I
saye that thilk labour ne weschyng auaileth him
nought at al. And that I preue
by this skile: He was wesshen
vnwiting and nought willyng, hym self in so tendre
age that he ne myht nought ne couth
discerne to chesen good ne euyl. And
sithen that he come to
yeres of discrecyon, this laboure he hath in dede disalowid, wherfor
of right he shal lacke the profite and the liberte
whiche he shold haue had by this forsaid wesshinge.
`That he hath this lauure disalowid I preue by the
contrarye. For euery wiht
loueth and maynteneth the thyng that he alowith. But
the clennesse that he shold haue kepte after his
lauure he hath nought loued ne maintened, but more
ouer defiled & despised. Eke
thenne hit sheweth that he hath this lauure
desalowid. And vpon this consequently wil I preue,
that it maye hym stande nought in profite ne at none
`There is no man that shal be pryueleged by lawe
other ony lyberte vsen or reioyce ageyne his owne
consent and his free wyl. But this pilgrym, in as
moche as he had desalowyd this lauure, consentyd
nought therto, wherfor he may nought be partyner of the pryuelege, ne
bere the profyte of the liberte that therto
bylongeth. Nought for thy
though it so be that by the pryuate iugementis of
Grace Dieu by this forsaid lauure the fowle spot of
Synne Orygenal was vtterly auoydyd,
I wille nought withsaye it. But this I saye playnly:
that he is moche spottyd with tatchys
of dedely synne that fowler is than the fyrst
orygenal, of whiche though that I my self wold bere
hym wrong on hand, loo it is wryten in myddes of his
vysage. Rede it who that wylle.
There may ye see the shame and confusyon whiche that
he wylfully hath lappyd
hymseluen ynne.
`By that I aske iugement, that he be delyuered me as
his desertys of good ryght bylongetha
Ferthermore yet ouer this will I preue by reson that
standyng this fylthe and dishoneste of synne with
whiche he is entatchyd, this
lauure rather causeth hym to be iuged to oure
companye, than though so had be he no thynge had be
`The more yeftes, the more grace, the gretter wages,
the hyer estate, the more noble & worthy offyce
that a man receyueth of his lord and his kyng, the
more he offendith, and the more peyne he is worthy
yf so be that he be fals and traytour to his lord,
where that another comyner
that nought hath receyued at al is ferre lesse
worthy to be punysshed [8r] yf he be founden
gylty. Yf so is thenne that an hethen that hath
nought receyued this lauure bylongeth to oure
company by cause that he hath it nought, muche more
thenne wold it semen skyle
that he be one of ourys, that after he hath nought
receyued nought only that lauure, but also many
other yeftes and benefaytes by the hand of Grace de
Dieu, whiche he hath dishonestly defiled and
despysed, adrenchyng hym
self as it were in worldly vanyte, and gone a wey al
contrary to that Grace Dieu had taught hym and
enformed. Ne neuer dyde he honour ne reuerence to
these that hath alwey be his helper and defendour,
whiche now clepith hym good pylgrym where he hath
but lytel cause, for alweye hath he to his Lorde ben
fals and vntrewe, takyng his name in veyn, clepynge
hym self a Cristen man and auauntynge
that he was of Cristes Court, kepyng nought his
Lawes, ne doyng the dedes that shold be to his
plesaunce, but euer contynuelly day by day broken
his Commaundementys.
`Such one is this forfetour.
And alwey hath ben deformynge in hym self the prent
and the fygure that God hath set in hym to his owne
resemblaunce and lykenes withouten ony maym or
fylthe, conformynge hym self wylfully and counterfetyng in hym self the facyon of my fowle fygure. Who
is it that may or ought dar excusen hym? I aske none
other wytnesse with me but he that hath alwey ben
next of his counceyl: his owne conscyence, that dar
nought ne wil nought lyen in this mater. Vpon hym
take I record, that fro the tyme that he was first
markyd with the name of the Souerayne Kyng Ihesu, he
ne cessid neuere to offendyn hym, settyng ful lytel
by his name. And as he more encrecyd in knowyng, he
appeyred in worchyng.
`Euerydele in veyne he bare scrip and burdon, for he
ne toke neuer redy weye of vertu, but by pathes of
synne and al vnthryftynes.
He hath iourneyed by the perylous pas of Pryde, by
the malycious montayne of Wrethe and Enuye, he hath
waltred hym self and wesshen in the lothely lake of
cursyd Lechery, he hath ben encombred in the golf of
Glotony. Also he hath mysgouerned hym in the contre
of Couetyse, and often
tyme taken his rest whan tyme was best to trauayle,
slepyng and slomeryng in the bed of Slouthe. And
moche worse he hath done than euer dyd I, many a
fowle forfete whiche I
myght nought performe in myn owne nature, wherfor he
hath deserued punysshement more than haue I ouer at
the lest to ben punysshed euen with me y like, for
to me is he y like, and myn is he by ryght. In
Heuene aboue [8v] hath he nought to doo. Doo
fast therfore that he were delyuered to me, that I
may gone hennes to my marches.