How the Wardeyn
Presentyth this Sowle to the Iuge
Capitulo Duodecimo
After grete processe
fynysshed and the ful decysyon of many grete causes
and quarels that were moued, when the tyme was come
of my delyueraunce, my
wardeyn bygan to speke & sayd in this wyse:
`Prouost Mychael', quod he, `I here presente to yow
this pilgrym whiche that somtyme was commytted to my
gouernaunce in the world binethe. Of this wyl I bere
hym good record, that he hath clerely kepte his byleue in to this last ende, ne
neuer ne lefte he fro hym his skryp ne his burdon,
as it bylongeth to a good pylgrym. And sythen he
hath ben perseueraunt in good purpoos
anone to the ende after the promysse of our Blysful
Lord and Kyng Ihesu Goddes Sone. He oweth to be sauf
and to be rceyued in to the Souerayne Cyte of
Heuenly Ierusalem, whiche he hath long tyme asoht, trauaylyng his bodye therfore.