Here Is the
Court Sette and the Iugement Bygonne
Capitulo Undecimo
Ful hastely thenne ther
sowned a Trompett. And after that was there made an
open proclamacyon, and sayd in this maner:
`Alle ye that ben acustomed to come to oure
iugementes to here and to see as assessours that
ryght be performed, cometh forth hastely and taketh
youre seges, as ye wel knowe
youre owne assygned places. Ye also that be withoute
abydyng the settyng of this Court, representith youra
self smartely to this iugement by
ordre as ye shal be clepyd,
soo that neuer one lette other, ne enterrupte others
mater. Ye pilgryms, approche ye to the entre of this curteyn, holdynge
your selfb withoute. And youre wardeyns, by
cause that they be oure felawes belongyng to oure
company them selue, shal appere as worthy is
presently within to open audyence.'
Soo thenne was it done smertely
as the crye commaundyd. My wardeyn hasted them
inward, and [7r] put hym self byfore, and al
other also dyde in the same wyse, comyng forth
eueryche byforne his pylgrym with pale vysage & the hede enclyned for heuynesse, that they sawe theyr
aduersaryes so redy to theyr accusacyon. But of al
the remenaunt of this companyc I leue for to speke, holdyng
forth my processe of myn own persone, as it is moost
acordyng to my purpoos.