How there Were
Cleped Assessours to Iugement, Special Patrones of
Diuerse Estatis
Capitulo Decimo
Hit semed me thenne,
that I herd Cherubyn begynne for to speke, and seid
in this wise: `Sire Prouost Mychael, sith it soo is
that I am Porter of Paradis, I wille also that
Peter, whiche is Porter of Heuen & Lyeutenaunta
of the Souerayn Lord in Erthe, thatb he be
here present, for he ought to haue knowlege of euery
pylgryms persone. Of hym we maye enquyre whiche haue
comen by hym and yf ther be ony, that to hym hath
nought dyskeuered hym self
by veray contrycyon and worthy penaunce.
`And by this shal I clerely discerne
in what wyse I shal vse my flammyng swerd, as for to
defende themc fro the fendys malyce, soo that ryghtwys cause maye now passen
in to Heyuen. And the remenauntd that other
haue deseruyd to forkerue
them with my swerd, and dryue them doune to theyr
rowes of endeles dampnacyon. For this encheson is my swerd clepyd
Versatil, that is to saye Tornyng, for oftymes it
torneth, varyeng his offyce after the dyuersite of
them that maketh them pilgryms, and after that they
haue holden good weye or bad.
`Soo thenne wyl I with good chere syten with the in
iugement vpon couenaunt
that Peter be here present also, as I haue sayd
byfore. Hit is good also to that ende that al thynge
maye be clere, that Reson be cleped, soo that
Trouthe and she mowe sytten togeders. And
also ferthermore suche other that haue ben
gouernours and knowen al the custommes of dyuerse
countrees. Me semyth it wold profyten for to haue
them present. Hit semyth me also that sith there ben
here many dyuerse pilgrymse deparayl of habyte, & of
diuerse estates, of dyuerse obseruaunce, of dyuerse
relygyons, of dyuers names, and dyuersly haue led
their lyues in Erthe, hit is good ryght that these
wyse men that somtyme waren souerayns of suche
maner synguler estates, that they be cleped to the
presence of this iugement. And specyally suche to
whome suche estates ben specyally bounden and auowyd. And also
ferthermore al tho, to [6v] the whiche the
forsayd pilgryms haue had specyal deuocyon.
`As for the Gentyls lete clepe seynt George6. For clerkes seynt Nycholas7. For heremytes
and solytary men saynt Anthony8. And seynt Benet9 for monkes.
And so of al other by their propre names. For weddyd
folk also lete clepe saynt Powle
the Appostel, not for hym self was maryed to ony
woman, but for cause that he taught by wordes and by
epystles to the peple of Corynthe the veray forme and rewle to be kepte
in maryage. For wydowes also lete clepe seynt Anne10. For maydens
and yonge wymmen seynt Katheryn11 shal be
`Hit nedeth nought of this to hold longe parlement.
Thou wost wel thy self what is to done, namely sythe
the tyme neygheth of the Grete Assyse where the
Souerayne Lord shal yeue Fynal Sentence, gret shame
and repryef hit were that ony
thynge done here bytwene vs for defaute
of due examynacyon of the mater shold be rehercyd. For
why with hym to that Iugement shal comen al the
Worthy and Wysest of his Royame.
And wel thow wost that thy self must be there
presente for to shewen al the processe of thy
iugement, approuyng al that thou hast done lawfully
withoute ageyne seyng, wherfore nowe late clepen in
al that owen to apperen in this iugement.'