How Mychael
Callyth Cherubyn to Counseyl, and what Counseyla
he yeueth
Capitulo Nono
Thenne herde I within the
curteyne a longe parlement, and at the last a voys
that sayde thus: `Cherubyn my dere broder that hast
plente of connyng, to whome
is commyttedb the naked swerde for to kepe the
entre of Paradys, that no pylgrym come there within
that hath foruoyed fro the ryht wey, come sytte
here by me as presydent for to iuge these pylgryms
that haue long abyden. Noo doute ye haue full felle
and malycyous accusours, to whoos malyce it nedeth
to take good hede.'
Thenne sayd Cherubyn `Syre Prouost', quod he, `it
semeth that it were skylful and also necessary that
al these wardeyns wente to their pilgrims for to
kepe them redily fro malice of their enemyes.[6r]
Goth seith eueriche to youre owne pilgrim, and in
time couenable ye shal be
cleped in.'
Soo thenne euery wardein cometh to his pilgrim, and
myn also cometh ful soone to me, wherof I was
comforted nought a litel, for sikerly,
I had grete trust vpon hym.