How that Iustyce
Speketh Agayne the Sely
Capitulo xvi
What tyme that I had made
this pytous crye, not fully yet parfourmed
the mater of my hye compleynt, there roose vp soone
a lady, and enterrupte me of my wordes and sayde to
Saynt Mychael in this wyse:
`Syr Iuge, it is knowen thyng to yow & to al in
this Court that repentaunce ne prayer may here no
place haue ne none aduocate maye be receyued to
plede, but only tho that were in Erthe bynethe by
seruyse or by pension witholden
for euer. Ne here ne may ther none be procured of newe. But it semeth
that this present pylgrym that I here speke ageyne
the lawe and customme of this Court wolde enforce hym selue with his
pyteous crye to excyte and stere
al this Courte to fauoure of his persone, to whiche
thynge I may nought consente, namely syth hit soo is
that in tyme of his rather lyf
he had space and suffysaunt leyser
ynow for to haue made prayers and pyteous
lamentacyons, and for to haue enstablysshed
procuratours that now myght
in this present Court haue promotyd his mater.
`But now is hit to late to make suche purueaunce, and sykerly,
though that I wold, and parauenture
somme other, Dame Verite, which
that I loue & is myn own suster, may not therto
accorde ne consente.
`And yf I shold suffre such fauoure ina my
presence, sothly hit were vnto my self a greuous preiudyce, whiche that owe for
to dressen the balaunce in
whiche al merytes owen to be peysed,
and after that to yelde euery wyht his Mercye by rygour of veray ryht wytnesse of good other euyl, ryght euen as he in dedely lyf deseruyd, wherfore in
this tyme ne in this place no suche maner of
compleyntes ne pledyng for parte oweth not to be
`But only yf it so is that ony merytes and good
dedes he hath enstoryd hym
with, lete hym put it in the ryht bacyn [14v] of the
balaunce, and in that other syde his accusour what
that he hath of euyl in contrary, he shal also putte
it to ben peysed on that
other partye of the balaunce.'