The iuge Byddeth
the Soule Plede for Hym Seluen And HowThe Sowle
Maketh Excepcyon to EXCLUDEN Sathanas fro HisAccyon
Capitulo xvii
ryght here with after the sownyng
of a trompet I herd a voys that sayd in this wyse:
`The maner and the vsage of this present Court wyl that the pilgrym yeue
answere for hym selue personelly and pleynley yelde
acountes hou he hath done his iourneye. And other
plee ne processe oweth none to be herd ne admytted
in this place.'
But when I herd these wordys, whiche as me semyd wel
the Iuge hym selue spack, hit lacketh but lytel that
I ne had lete falle my burdon of hope and vtterly
fallen in despayr, specyally syth my cause in hit
self was nought defensable by ought that I couthe
se. And nought for that,
auayle what it myght, I thought that I wold defende
my cause in my best wyse. Tho sayde I to the Iuge:
`Ful gracious and noble Iuge Prouost of Heuene, hit
semyd me sauyng youre Iugement that me oweth nought
to answere to the accyon
of these Sathanas infamed and condempned and by
youre owne execucyon chacyd oute of Heuene. And
namely also sythe that he hath ben alwey my
personell enemy, and greuously pursued mea
in al that he couthe or myght ley for me in a wayte,
and forstallyd myb
weyes, teldyng nettes,
arrayng trappes and other engynes for to take me and
deceyue with.
`And also I may alledge that he nys none acceptable
persone that may to this Court oblyge hym self ne
ley caucyon to pursue forth his accyon as he that is
eternally condempned, by whiche caucyon he myght
bynd hym self for to ansuere me yf that his accyon in dome be desalowed.
`And ferthermore also hit is no thyng vnknowen he is
in hym self, and euer hath ben founde, an open lyer
and autour of al falshede and vntrouthe euermore
redy to do and say the werst.'