How that
Synderesys, Whiche Is Clepyd Here the Worm of
Conscyence, Accuseth the Sowle
Capitulo xixº
Thenne come forth by me an old one that long tyme had hyd hym self neyhe me, whiche byfore that tyme I had not apperceyued. He was wonder hydous for to loke vpon and of ful cruel semblaunt. And fast he gan to grenne & shewid me his iowes and his gommesa
, for
teethe hade he none, but they were al forbroke, forweryd & forfaren.
And whan I had aspyed hym I was ful soore abashyd. He was wonder
lothely and fowle to loke vpon, for he had vpon hym
self no flesshe at al, ne no body had he vnder his
hede, but only a tayl, whiche semyd the tayle of a
worme and was despytously of
lengthe & gretnesse.
To me this lothely beest ganne for to speke and sayd
in this wise. `I am come', quod he, `for to acuse
the, whiche am not acustomed for to make fables ne telle no gabbynges, but in al
places [15v] I am byleuyd of trouthe. I knowe
wel apertly al thy thoughtys, thy dedes and thy
wordes, fro the fyrst tyme that euer thou haddest
discrescyon & veray vnderstandyng. Thou myght
ayenst me make none excepcyon, ne ageynseye me of no
word, that Ib
am sure ynowe. I am soo renommed
that I shal be byleued better than thy self here in
this Court. And ful pryue
haue I ben at al tymes with the. Ful oftymes haue I
warned the of thy mysgouernaunce, as thylk that loueth the, awaytyng
thy profyte and procuring thyn hele. I haue ful
oftymes for thy mysdedys
and mysgouernaunce of wordes and of thoughtes vndertake the and ful sore byten
the so ferforth,
that al my teethe ben wasted & forbroken. So
hard and obstynate hath ben thy wykked herte, that
for no sore bytyng that I couthe set vpon the ne
myght I not ayene torne the of thyn vnthryftynesse.
`Soo is it ryght that I playne
vppon the. And than thou here thy peyne, as thou
hast ryghtwysly deseruyed.
Bethynke the nowe whan I sawe the in a tyme goo to a
certeyne place for to see and byhold a merueylous
beest, and yafe thy money only for that syght. That
tyme spak I to the, yf thou now record,
and yafe the suche counseylle and sayde "Yf
that thou
werec auysed", quod I, "as thou be
reson owest, thou sholdest goo noo fer for to
byholde a wonderful beest, but to thyne owne
persone. And there myght thou see a foul mysshapen
monstre of thyne owne sowle, more merueylous than
that other."
`And forther I said the "Yf thou haddest be subtyle and wise, thou sholdest
haue hyed the to the preest, and shewyd hym that
hydous beeste of thyne owne sowle, whiche thou hast
so longe tyme kept in pryuete,
that soo foule is blemysshed and deformed with thy
synnes, to that ende, that thy preest for that syght
shold haue yeuen the ful absolucyon, that ful gladly
wyl yeue suche reward to tho that wylfully haboundoune theym selue to
shewe hym suche a desguyse and horryble vysage.'