How that the Sowle
Answeryth to Synderesys and He to the Sowle Ageyne
Capitulo xx
`What arte thou', quod I, `that thus spekyst to me.'
`Yf thou haue mynde', he
sayd, `of the lady16
that made the sermon, whiche that bare the yerd, the besme
and the maylet: she [16r]
made of me remembraunce. For she told that there was
a worm bred and norysshed within thyn herte, whiche
that must be broken with labour of sore contrycyon
by offyce of this maylet. And thenne she cleped me
the worm of conscyence, for wel she knewe and wyst
that alwey lyke a worm I am woned
to byte & to rounge them
that wronge theym selue, whiche that lysteth not to set hond ne
for to touche my venemous tayle, ne for to bryse ne for to beten it with
this forsayd maylet.
`My self I am that same tayle and worm whiche that
thou hast nought smyten ne bruysed as thou sholdest,
but hast cowardly to thy grete desauantage cherysshyd it
and sparyd, soo that it is woxen
now wonder grete, bytterly pryckyng.
`That shalt thou know herafter, for sykerly thou hast made thy
conscyence soo large, that nedes must this worm wexen therafter.
And yf that thy conscyence had ben more streyte, this tayl ne shold so
be ouerwoxen, for in a
place streyte of nature may
no thyng ouerpassen mesure in wexyng.'
`Thou seyst', quoda
I, `that thou art a worme,
and so thou semyst wel. I wyl ayene the haue skilful excepcyon, soo that
in myne accusement thou owest nought be admytted,
for thou art of so foule a nature, ne myght not ben
acceptyd to accuse me, that am the ymage and the
lykenesse of the Souerayne Lord. And sothly, litel
set this Lord by this ymage yf he suffred suche a
deformed worm bringe hym in to iugement and for to
haue audyence in this accion ayenst him.'
Thenne answerd this tailed worm `Yf so wereb
that thou haddest kept and gouerned that ymage and
noble resemblaunce whiche thou receyuedest of the
Souerayne Lord, other whan it was
blemysshed by synne haddest by penaunce hastely
reformed it, thenne myghtest thou ayenst me haue had
a good excepcyon for vnsuffysaunt
& vnworthy to haue accused the, ne I my self ne
none other shold ne myght haue had ony cause or
quarel ageynst the.
`But thou art al deformed and defygured by many
foule synnes & forfetys by
ful wycked werkes, vnthryfty
and euyl wordys, fowle horryble and shameful
thoughtes of thy wycked herte whiche thou ne hast
not al dyskeuered ne shewid
in confession as thou sholdest. And soo by thy fowle
corrupt lustes and desyrous, whiche ben to me ful
clerly discouerd, I see the fynally that thou ne myht not ayenseye me,
ne shalt not be so hardy ne so bold to make none
excepcyon. For I shal proue openly in presence of
this Court that thou art moche more horryble and
fowler than am I, for in me is ther no maner of
euyl, but that thy self hast causyd. Yf that I [16v]
am foule, that thou hast made thy self, that by thyn
owne wretchyd mysdedes soo
oftymes hast troubled me and dysesed,
and brought in grete heuynesse
and peyne an honderd tyme and ofter in the wyke. For me ne woldest thou neuer
byleue, nouht
with standynge that I haue put al my power and my
tyme dyspendyd in the that
canst me no thanke, so that I may wel, & haue
skylful cause to, accuse the, and thou no place ne
lyberte shalt haue to make ayenst me none excepcyon
at alle.'