Here Mercy Concludeth
vpon these Answers
Capituloa xxxi
Thenne sayd
Mercy thus to Iustyce. `Sothly suster', quod she,
`sauyng your reuerence, your rygoure by youre owne
iugement is somwhat vnmesurable
withoute that ye be gouerned somwhat by me. And ye that
oweth to yelde eueryche that to his ryght bylongeth, me
thynketh that ye fayle of youre offyce but yf ye demene
your self in this caas after myn counseylle. And I shal
seye yow why.
`Sith it so is that man was made, as ye seye, fynally
to this entent & ende to be Goddes seruaunt &
for to knette to God al erthely creatures by retorne of
his seruyse, thenne wrongeth ye the Souerayn Lord, that
besyeth about to alyene this seruauntb & forclosen fro that offyce that he
was ordeyned fore.
`Also, sith the Lawe wryten of God, bytaken
to Moyses, & also the Lawe of the Gospel, yeuen by
Crist hym selue & practysed in his owne persone, entendyth no thyng elles, as ye
sey, with subalternacion
of al other resonable lawes, but for to teche the peple
& holde them vnder gouernaunce for to make them
obeye to his seruyse, by what skyle
may thenne ony wyght withdrawe this pylgrym fro his
Lordes seruyse, by desordeyne
rygour of ryghtwysnes, for to
excluden hym & schytte hym
fro this deute. But herto ye seyn that he oweth to be
punysshed for that he hath mysdone. But by your own
sentence, punysshementc was deuised for to drawe
hertes of men fro foule affectiond & for to
chastise them for thate they haue misdon, whiche
chastisementf is a maner medicin to purge the affectiong of man.
Thenneh semith it wel, also soone as thaffection
is clensid by hertely forthinkyng
in wil & purpos to kepen Gods Law, the punisshementi
sholde cesse, & this seruaunt resorte to his Lordes
seruyse. Namely sith it soo is, that this seruyse is of
more value than is thatj punisshementk. For
a very fool may he be clepid thatl leith a
plaister [26r] corosyf to a wondem after
that he is purged, for it shal thennen noyen & no thyng auayle to
hele. And worldly lawe also vseth this condicion that
yf a man hath done trespas to another either offendyd
his lord in ony thynge for whiche he shal be punysshed,
al so sone as he knowlecheth
the trespaas and maketh amendys, byndyng hym selue
neuer after to offende, thenne shal he be relecido28 of his
punysshement. And al that is done ouer this may rather
be clepyd cruelte than ryghtwysnes.
`Al be it so that this pylgrym hath greuously
trespacid, yet at his passyng oute of the world he
stode in this plyte, wherfore he oweth not to be putte
in eternal peyne, howeuer it be, of other punysshement,
for why, as ye haue sayd yourp self, iugement of
deth and eternal peyne was ordeyned only for tho that
ben rebelle and obstynate ageynst Gods Lawe, lest they
shold be malycious, excytyng to bryng many other to the
same mysgouernaunce, soo that the ordre of vnyuersyte shold be destroubled. But sooth it is, nouther this pylgrym is obstynate,
ne purposyth not to dystrouble
the vnyuersal ordre, ne euyl example may he none yeue
after this tyme to noo creature, wherfor he oweth not
to be delyuerd to eternal peyne.
`Thenne conclude I thus by youre iugement, that this
pilgrym, Cristes seruauntq bought & raunsoned
with his precious blood, although he haue by malyce of
his enemyes be taryed fro his Lordes seruyse, yett at
the laste he brake oute of theyr handes, & come to
his Lord, submyttyng hym to his Grace, offryng hym self
lowely to his seruyse.
`He oweth not be delyuerd to his enemyes, though that
he shal be punysshed for the trespace, but he oweth at
the Lordes wil be taken to his Grace, & after
skilful punysshementr ben admytted to his Lordes
seruise. This is youre oune sentence. How thennes
wil ye acquyte yow in this mater, that by rygour of
punysshement wolde haue this man delyuerd to his enemy,
and alyened fro his Lordes seruyse, to grete wrong and amenusyng of his worshyp? And
also, as ye sey your self, the testament that he maketh
in yeuyng al that he hath to his Lord, shal stonde in
effect in ful record of his Lordes ryght. And who that
procureth ony suche alyenacion, he wrongeth the Lord.
Why thennet be ye so besy to deliuer this man out
of he Lordes seruyse, that hath by testamentu
yeuen hym self euer lastyng to the same Lord? This was
his last wil, & who that withstandithv the
last wil offendith the Lawe, wherfor, suster, ye be
ouer rigorous, as me semyth.