How that Mercy Taryed
the Court whyle
She Wente to Heuen and Purchasyd
a Chartre of Pardon
Capitulo xxxiiii
But thenne herde I how humbely
Dame Misericord gan to prayen for me, and sayd in this
wyse.`Now dere Mychael', quod she, `wylle ye
vouchesaufe a whyle for to tarye in youre iugement.I
haue a lytel thyng to doo aboue in Heuen. I thynke ther
to purchace a Grace, that no thyng shal be to your
preiudyce.' Thenne sayd the Prouost `it lyketh me ryght
wel at your request for to abyde tyl that ye be
retorned. I pray yow, tarye nought.'
Soo thenne was the iugement suspendyd in to the tyme
that Mercy had ben in Heuene. And smartely
withoute taryeng she had done hyr deuoyre
and was descended doune vpon the skaffold. And sothely,
so sawe I wel that she was that selue fayre swete that
bare hir brest29
alwey redy oute of hyr bosome, whiche had me byfore
hand in my flesshely lyf ful often tyme comfortid. And
now she dyde me moche more comfort, what tydynges she
brought. In here hond she brought a skypet,
and neyeng to ward the balaunce with the hede enclyned
she sayd to the balauncera
`how is it', quod she,
`in oure partye?' `Sothely', quod Iustice, `had ye
nought taryed this Court, ful long tyme passyd this
pylgrym had be foriuged,
witnesse vpon Trouthe and Reason.
`Now thenne' quod Mysericord, `shall I telle wherfore I
haue trauayled.' And she took forth the Charter, and
sayd `I haue ben in presence of oure Lord Ihesu Cryst
and his Blessyd Moder, and byfore al the Companye of
Seyntes assembled to geders, for helpe of this pylgrym.
And so haue I here of oure Lordes graunt a Chartre of
Pardon whiche I shal rede to fore yow, wherof who that
wylle shal haue the copy.'
Thenne tooke she forth a fayre Chartre, asselyd with
gold, and redde it openly, word for word, wherof this
is the sentence: