How Iustyce Apoynted
Hyr Balaunce,
Reson & Truth Standyng in Eyther Syde,
& How the Pylgrym Leyd in the Skryp
& Burdon, & Synderesys with Sathanas
Weyed in that Other Syde
capitulo xxxiii
Thenne vpon a skaffold on hye
aboue this corteyne Dame Iustyce shewed hyr self and
apoynted hyr balaunce, that bothe partyes weyed lyke
heuy. This lady was gerd with a swerd with a thwong al with gold appareylled. Hyr semed wel a lady
of huge estate as duchesse or pryncesse, ne none was
that he ne tremblyd for drede.
Reson also was with her, whoos eyen shyned bryghter
than the sonne, so
ferforth that hyr syght percyd al maner of obiectys
aboute in euery syde. I sawe also the thyrd, that had
the mouthe al clene burnyd gold. And it was me
certyfyed of other, that knewe hyr persone, that hyr
name was Trouthe. But whan I sawe these thre gone to
geders, which hadde as me semyd long taryed me with
theyr parlement, desyryng my dampnacion, I was ryght
moche desmayed, namely syth that in theyr balaunce my
merytes sholde be peysed,
wherupon had I no maner of truste. For none other thyng
had I for to leye therin but only my scrip and my
burdon, that peysed but lytel, as I sawe wel afterward.
Neuertheles in the balaunce I leyd it. And there ayene
myn enemy leyde in his accusement wryten in the bylle
by tellynge of Synderesys. Ther was neuer notary ne tabellyon that me so sore
agrysed, for that bylle, whan it was leyd in the
balaunce, peysed so sore, that smartely
that other syde aroos as nought hadde ben therin, &
that me greued moche wors by cause that the peis [27r] shold be the more.
Synderesis hym selue styrte in to
the balaunce. Thenne bygan Sathan for to cryen with a
lowde voys &seyd: `Now', quod he, `thou lady on the
skaffold, thou seest wel how it is. Make now this
Prouost that soo long hath taryed me for to yeue
iugement as fast.'