Here Ben Rehercyd
the Excepcions of Mercy and the Iugement Yeuen vpon
Synful Sowles
Capitulo xliii
Soo thenne was this
pylgryme wyth grete solempnyte
ledde, sawe I nought where. But of al this ioye this
cursyd Sathanas ne sawe no thyng at al, for he was
fallen grouelynge, gredynge,
and cryenge with a lothely voys, byholdyng doune in
to Erthe. Ful oftymes wysshed I that he neuer
muste arrise ne shewe his foule face, but soone
after this al other wise it befelle, for Iustyce,
that hadde me bitake my
sory fardelet, as I haue seyd,
she steyh vppon the scaffold and said in this wise:
'Cometh fort ye creatures that hauen long abyden
your iugementesa, & hereth your sentence,
for many ther be of you for which Mysericord hath [34v]
nought at al purchacyd, though soo that
she hath here a Chartre of Pardonne Generall,
graunted here of the Souerayne Lord, in whiche
chartre is conteyned an excepcion as touchynge
dyuerse poyntes, whiche ben these in specialle:
'Al they that wylfully and wyttyngly hauen contynued
in synne to theyr lyues ende, pasyngb
withoute hertely repentaunce;
`And al tho, that hauen ben obstynate to the Lawes
of oure Lord God, blasfemynge, and despysynge tho
that lowely and sympelly obeysaunt
ben therto, and hauen nought amended theym with
wylful repentaunce;
`Alle tho that wylfully and wyttyngly breken Goddes Hestes, dysclaundrynge tho that
repentyn them therof;
`Alle fals pilgrymes that hauen lefte the sharp weye
of penaunce and vertue, and hauen gone by pathes
of lustes, and of alle vnthryfty
vyces, as been forsworen wretchys, false renegates,
traytours, mansleers, morderers, theues, lecherours,
glotons, conspyratoures, and alle other that
wylfully haue applyed theym seluen to wycked synnes
that shalle nought ben rehercyd;
`And al tho that haue sewyd theyr owne vycyous
wylle, withdrawynge theyr hertes froo the wylle of
oure Lord God. Also alle heretykes and
scysmatykes, that presumptuously peruertyn Hooly
Scrypture by fals vnderstandynge, glosynge,
cuttynge, kouerynge, and cloutynge
with vycyous adinuencyouns
the Lawe of Crystes Gospel;
`And alle tho that hauen receued ordre, offyce, or
estate to mayntene Crystes lawes, and they
wretchydly and cowardely withdrewen theym to worldly
lustes, nought doynge theyr deuoyre in shewynge and
techynge the lawe of oure Lord, ne in chastysynge of
mysdoers. but only for couetyse
of worldly goodes;
`And alle tho that suche estates, ordres, or offyce
yeuen or receyuen by symony or suche vnleful menes, and nought to
the entent to proufyte of theyr offyce, but only to
be magnyfyed and maad ryche and for to lede theyr
lyues in lustees and delyces;
`Alle thylke also that vppon the tryste of Mercy
haue leyn in theyr lustes to theyr lyues ende, and
hauen nought hadde veray repentaunce of theyr fowle
`And these, and many other, whiche that hauen theyr
accusoures here redy besydes theym, whiche shalle
haue place and audyence to appelen them of many
other poyntes in specialle, whiche that ben exceptyd
froo the [35r] pardon conteyned in this
forsaid Chartre. For Mercy hath for none such
purchacyd no pardon at al; the balaunce sheweth the
Soo thenne by ordre they wente to the balaunce,
these accusoures with theyr empechementes. But theyr
prysonners hadden nought for to leyen in that other
parte. And though they ought hadde, it was of no
Somme other also there were, for whoos parte was
leyde the forset with the
tresoure. And they anon were assigned with their fardels to gone to Purgatorye,
ryght as I was.
To alle the remenaunt after Iustyce sentencyally seyd in this
wyse:`In the name of oure Soueraygne Lorde and Iuge
Ihesu Cryste, Goddes Sone Omnypotent, by sentence of
Mychael the Prouoste of Paradys and Lyeutenant of
oure Blysful Lord, goo al ye condempnyd and foriuged
to brenne withynne the fyre of Helle, withouten hope
or truste euer to be releuyd. And ferthermore I
assigne yow to comen byfore the Souerayne Iuge efte
ageyne, clothid in youre cursyd bodyes, receyuynge
youre Fynal Iugement, body and soule at ones, of
endeles dampnacion. This daye loke that ye kepe,
whanne Gabryell shalle blowen with his dredeful
trompe. Hyeth yow faste hennes, as the Prouost yow hoteth and commaundeth, withoute
ony taryenge.'