How a Clene
Spyryte is Nought Peyned
Capitulo xlviia
Thenne asked I hym this
demaund. `How is it' quod I `That I b
so endure
in brennyng and waste nought
of my persone, and how do ye in this fyre? Suffer ye
no peyne, sithe that ye ben contynuelly so nyghe me
euen among these peynes?'
He answerd thenne and said `The Maister that made
fyrst this fire, he made it only actif and worchyng
in a subiect disposid to suffre. That ben suche as
thou that ben corrupt with synne. But in me is no
poynt of passibilite,
wherfore it dothe me mo disease
at all. And soothe hit is, yf ther neuer had be done
no synne, this peyne, ne none other, had neuer be
formed, for why an innocent
maye passe thorugh this fyre and fele no maner
peyne. And though it so were that I or an innocent
were in deppest place of Helle, neuer so long tyme
yet shold the peynes doo vs no dysese, for he that
hath nought synned ne may not be peyned in that
perillous fire. And sothly I fele nomore of peyne
but only that I haue compassion vppon thy greuous
torment, that arte committed to my [38r]
`But I am contynuelly in ioye, wel more than I maye
telle the, for I byholde the Blisful Visage of the
Souerayne Kyng. And sothe it is that this ioye shal
gretely encrece what tyme that I haue brought the to
his Blysful Presence.'
`O good God' quod I, `Whether shal I euer see that
day or that houre that this shal betyde?'
`Ye soothly' quod myn angel. `But first shalt thou
see many thynges whiche thou knewe neuer byfore, ne
neuer haste lerned in al thy lyf tyme. For fyrst it byhoueth that Holy Chirche
send thylk auterer
whiche thou hast sene byfore, that is cleped Prayer,
that she for thy nede perce hye Heuene and speke for
the to oure Glorious Kynge, and brynge the somwhat
thennes of thy Lordes Grace, to whome thy frendys
also wylle maken instaunce
by massys and by almesse dedes and other good
werkes, soo that by theyr besy laboure the soner
myght thou haue of these peynes socour and comfort.
For soothly suche thynges shal moche abredge thy
peyne, bothe in felynge and also shortynge the tyme
of endurynge
`Also the charitable dedes and deuocions duely done
by mynystres of Hooly Chirche, and other good
lyuers, shal stande the in grete stede in slakynge of thy peyne.'
`O dere Aungel' quodc
I, `as I haue herd
byfore this tyme, some dyuerse folkes telle the
werkes that I neuer dyd in myn owne persone mowe
stand me in no stede. What maye than the besynesse
of my frendes auaylen in this cas?'
`That maner of besines' quodd
myn Angel, `must
ben clerely vnderstande, or elles it sowneth errour.
Thou knowest wel thy self by that thou hast lerned,
that though the Holy Sacrament be parted on thre,
yet is it but one. Ne thylk sensible
diuysion is none real separacion. Ryght so though
that Crystes Mystik Body, whiche ben al His Chosen
Predestynate to Saluacion, be partid on thre, soo
that one part is in Heuen glorious, another in Erthe
lyuyng trauaylours. The thirdde is here in Purgatory
peynful and anguyshous. Yet al these thre partes ben
veryly one body, knette to geders by treble
bond: Feyth, Hope and Charite. These that ben in
Erthe, Feythe byndeth them pryncipally, and that is
theyr lyf, as Holy Writte seyth: Iustus ex fide
Tho that ben in Purgatorye lyuen al in Hope.
But tho that ben in Heuen glorious, Loue and Charyte
is holy their lif, for there nedith neither Feithe
ne Hope. Thenne is this bound of Charite that
chaungeth neuer, but bothe Feithe and Hope be
chaunged in to it. Thus meneth Seynt Poule where he
seith:Caritas numquam occidit33; Charite ne
may [38v] neuer fayle.
Thenne is it this Bonde of Charyte that knetteth to geders bothe Heuen
and Erthe. Thenne sith that euery thynge of nature
desireth vnyte, and that naturel desire may not ben in ydel, hit must nedes be that
the partes or membres of this body desyren to be conioyned in to one hede
with the Souerayne Lord, that Hede is of the Body.
And syth that of nature they shal desyren it, hit
mote nedes be done. For though it soo be that thou,
and suche other that here ben in Purgatory, ben in
grete peyne & heuynes, yet
be ye lymmes perteynyng to the
perfection of the forsaid body.
`Soo thenne it standeth that ye ben for the tyme
only passyf and not actyf, for ye mowe
nought doo but suffre. The Blysful spirites that ben
abouen in Heuene, they ben actif and no thyng
passyf, for they no thynge suffren. For why there
may no contrariosyte neyhen
them by whiche they shold suffre, but doo they may
what that them lyketh.
`The thyrdde part, that is lafte
in Erthe, that is the lest parte of the other
partes. They ben bothe actyf and passif, soo that
they maye bothe doo and suffren in helpe of them
seluen and of yow also. Ful many there ben, that ful
besyly trauaylen with theyr hole
entent for to comforte yow, and helpe fro this
peyne, so that they senden vp in to Heuen by this
forsayd auterer this treble bond or corde that I
spak of byfore, that is ful fast wrythen
and wounden with almysdede and other good werkes,
preyeng al this Blysful Heuenly Spirites for to
helpe hale, that it were
borne aboue in the Faders Throne. And they casten it
ouer the poly of this Grace,
and senden that other ende in to Purgatory and
fastneth to yow that lyen there in peynes, soo that
they bynethe in Erthe drawen that one parte, and
they aboue in Heuen halen on
that other, that if ye weren actif and myght yow
selues hale, it must nedes be
that this body sholde soone be brought to geders.
`But thylke that ben discharged and woxen lyght, ascendyth ful smartely by this forseyd corde.
But thou art yet so heuy charged with thy vnthrifty fardel
of thy synnes, that though thou somwhat ther by fro
day to day ascende fro depthe of thy peyne, yett
arte thou not fully to be reised in to the time that
thou be fully purged of thy sinne.'