What is the Vertu
of Pardon Yeuen by Holy Chirche
Capitulo xlviii
`And wherof', quod
I, `auayleth suche pardon graunted by prelates of
Holy Chirche of yeres and of dayes lymyted with huge
nombre, wherof, as me semyth, I haue hadde so moche
that yf it ony thynge auayleth, I shold longe or
this tyme haue ben relecyd of my peynes.'
`Soothly', quod myn Angel, `al suche pardon whiche
thou receyued in good disposicion, that is to seye,
veryly contrite and confessyd of thy synnes, fully
repentaunt in thy wylle to forsake them for euermore
therafter, they shalle stande the moche in stede in abredgynge of thy dayes and
yeres as they ben limyted, and also in alledgynge of thy greuous
`For this wotest thou wel, that
in these olde bokes34 that were made in
assignement of certeyne penaunce for certeyne sinnes
dyuerse, it is writen and founden that for euerya
dedely sinne thou sholdest ben seuen yere in
penaunce, for also oftymes as thou hast fallen in
that same synne, whiche were not possible for the,
that hast ben so recheles, to fulfillen in Erthe.
And sothe it is that the courage of man is so moche
afebled, that they suffiseth nought to bere the
penaunce in Erthe soo moche as is dewe to the synne.
Notwithstandyng that, they fallen sorer in synne,
and more ben acustommed therto than they were
`Therfore the mynistres of Holy Chirche,
consideringe the feblenesse of mannesb
that they myght nought, or wold nought, perfourme so
greuous penaunce, they assigneth them a parcel to
fulfille in Erthe, reseruyng the remenaunt in peyne
of Purgatorye.
`And thenne loke what dayes thou haddest of pardon
while thou were in Erthe, clene shriuen and contrite
of thy sinnes for time of the receyuyng, and suche
relece shalt thou finden here. Neuertheles we ben
ouer hastif for to holde now
parlement of passing hennes, for yet hast thou ben
here but only a moment, that is a ful litel space of
time, and nought to ben acountid.'
`A moment?' quod I. `Allas! Now see I wel that it
endeth neuer, for suche many moments shold neuer be adetermined. I haue ben here, me
semeth, more than a thousand yere, I note how I haue
endured, that I ne was many yeres gone torned to
asshes. And also I merueile moche of my burdon that is nought forbrent. O swete God Ihesu
Criste, how shal I lenger liuen in this peine and
torment? My fardel is but a litel yet y wasted, and
euer I loke therupon when it wol be
and fully fordone, but it auaileth nought, wherof me
sore agreueth. But I may noo more doo but suffre and
compleine. And wel I wote that there is nouther iron ne stele, so
stronge roche [39v] ne
flynt so hard, ne carboncle ne dyamant of suche
myght ne vertu that myght enduren in this fire, that
if it were but sodeynly cast in and lepte oute
agayne, hit must be forbrent.
The kryket35, that of nature
lyueth in the fire, ne myght nought lyue therynne.
And if the Grete See myght passe thorugh this place,
full soone it sholde be dryed. There is noo welle so
cold, ne ryuer soo smart, that
it ne shold be brent in to very
asshes yf that it neyhed to this fire that I am
peyned inne.'