The Body to the
Capitulo lxiI
`This answere', quod the
body, `suffiseth to myn entente,
for that thynge only that is corrupt and stynketh,
and is of euil sauour, soo that bothe the waxe and
the matche haue take corrupcion only of that fyre,
that hath alterate the mater
and appeyered hit, specially
at the forletynge of that
same mater. For why thou
hast no cause to repreue me
by cause that I stynke. For in me hast thou ben as
fyre in the wax, and me thou hast corruptyd and
caused that I stynke. In as moche as thou hast thus forleten me, thou owest of
right more to be blamed than I, and more cause haue
I to compleyne on the than thou hast on me. And that
semyth wel by the fowle sauour that thou felyst,
whiche ascendith fro me to the, compleynyng of the
corrupcion whiche that thou thy self hast caused in
me. The stynke that thou felyst in me is nought
elles but thyne owne synne.
` And I seye the ferthermore, that ther ben many one
lyeng on this place al hole withouten ony corrupcion
in theyr sepulture, wherof the
cause is nought elles but that they were wel taught
and disciplyned and kepte out of synne, and gouerned
in a ful gracious scole, vnder
a full good and gracious mayster that had them vnder
gouernaunce. And yf thou haddest also holden me
short, I had nought now so fowle be corrupte. For
only by thy synnes it is that I am so lothely and of
so fowle sauour.'