The Angel Endeth
this Parlement
Capitulo lxv
Myn Aungel thenne auaunced hym before me, and
said `What, hast thou', quod he, `founden cause of
ryotyng? Hit is ful tyme that the descencion of yow bothe stynte and take an ende, for it is
nought to youre hele
`Bitwene tho such maner of stryf and wordes shold be
meuyd, which that ben perpetuell dampned in to the
peyne of Helle. But ye that ben predestynate to
saluacion and shal herafter be reioyned as frendes,
ye oweth nought for to stryue, but ye sholde ben of acord, and soo wyll I that ye
be, and that ye soo departen.'
Thenne my fowle body bigan to hold hym still and
spak no word. And I also held my pees and wold
nomore seye, saue only that I bad hym adyeu. `And
God graunte', quod I, `that I maye be with the
herafter in the Souerayne Ioye.'
Here Endeth the
Second Book of the Pylgremage of the Sowle