How that Pryde was
Peyned in Helle
Capitulo Secundo
These Sathanas thenne
caughten this old and casten hir vnder their fete, defoulyng and tredynge hyr,
seynge in this wise: `Thou hast a grete bely ful of
wynd, forbolned and forblowen. Right is that thou
be troden vnder oure feet, and defowled euer
withouten ende.' Lucifer thenne began to collen and hasted hym to
hyr, settynge hym self vpon hyr hede.
`I wylle', quod he, `herafter haue none other
chayre. But here wylle I sytte, defyling the as moch
as I can. For wel I remembre of the grete damage
that thou hast done to me. Ryght thus', quod he,
`lete drawe al this fowle mysfaryng
filthes with horned hedes and bolned belyes that ben
so ful of wynde, swollen and forblowen. Here they
shalle ben forfaren and
defiled vnder youre feet, and al enbracyd with brennyng brondes,
that woo they shall betyde.'
Ryght soo was it doo withoute ony taryeng, and cast
vnder the fete of these fowle fendes, fortroden and
defiled. Somme of these I knewe wonder wel, for I
had sene them before, namely thre there were, of
whiche I merueyled gretely, for they had ben in thea
world of wonderb lowely beryng, & as to my
semyng gouerned them self ful sadly.
Thennec asked of myn angel the cause of theyr
dampnacion, sith they hadden so moche colour of
`These', quod myn angel, `haue ben feyned religyous ypocrites with theyr
desguysed clothes, that hadden the lombes
skynne vp on them self by semynge withoute. But
within forth they were rauysshynge wolues of fyers
and proude herte. They were in the world wonder
lowely & of sad semblaunt,
but al that they dyden was only to be preysed and
holde good men. Thou sawest their bodyes in the
world whiche they wore outward to thyn eyen by
sygnes withouten. Now byhold and see whiche they
were within, for thou shalt sene tormentes ynowe
with whiche they ben peyned.
So were they thenne al taken to geders and cast in
to the fire, where they were with grete cheynes pesteled and beten, so that the
very fowle smoke passed oute fro them of ryght vnthrifty smell that stanke
aboute fer in euery side. Thus were they brente and
beten and defyled, that wonder was to see. Ther was
none ther that passed forth by, that he ne defyled
them with his two feet.