Here He Seeth a
Wonderful Peyne for Treson
Capitulo iiii
Thenne sawe I a wonderfull
engyne of a grete whele tornyng aboute, of whiche
whele one parte was abouen erthe & that other
binethen, so that it roos oute of a little dore,
& and torned doun at another. The compasa of this
whele was fitched ful of
hokes of yren. These hokes to renten & a racid
two caitifs thatb
stode at this forsaid litel dores & werenc
charchid in euery side with [52v] bagges ful
of gold and syluer.
On hye vppon a towre besides this whele I sawe a
stately persone lyke to a kyng, that lened hym on
the walle. And wonder wrothe he semyd toward these
caytyfs that thus were in theyr torment, and seyden
to them thus. `Acursyd mote ye be of God and his
Sayntes; suche fals treson and vntrouthe haue I
founden in yow. For I trysted yow and loued yow,
wenynge for to fynde in yow sadnes
and trouthe.
`I had made yow sometyme offycers in my royamme; one of yow Chaunceler,
and another Tresorer, in whiche offyces specially
hanged alle the gouernaunce. To me ye comen and
seyden that yf I wold suffre yow alone with the
gouernaunce of your offices, ye wold encrecen my
tresour in a lytel tyme, so that I shol be suffysaunt of good
to kepe and defenden my land fro peryl of al myn
enemyes, and haue ynow wherof to mayntene myn estat
in honour and worshyp. I, wenynge veryly that ye had
ben trewe men and feythful, tryste to your wordes,
and lete yow do your best.
`Thenne went ye forth and maden this whele, and
hanged it ful of bagges whiche ye filden ful of
tresour, for whiche ye pilled
my peple by dyuerse extorcions, makyng and
contryuyng newe statutes and custommes, auaylynge to
your purpoos, whiche, as I supposed by your owne
seyng, al had ben for the best.
`Wonder subtyle was
this whele, and of merueylous engyn. For wel I sawe these
bagges by tornynge of this whele entre in to my
tresory, supposynge for certeyne that to my grete
auauntage by the hye subtilyte
of your wyttes - accursyd mot it be! But when I was
my self entred in to my tresory, trowyng
for to fynde ther ynne this good that was in this
wyse carryed by this whele, but ther fond I nought.
For this subtyle whele with his merueylous tornynge
caryed this good forth under the erthe. Well I sawe
the bagges of gold whyle hit was aboue, but when hit
cam binethen, al went another wey, in to your owne
cofres, wherwith ye yow seluen and many other
brybours were made rial and
ryche, and I my self poure er that I wyst.
`Ful gladde were myn enemyes, that knewen al youre
counceylle, that I my self affyed
soo moche vppon yow - I thought nought but good, but
wende haue hadde therof
ynow to defende me fro myne enemyes - and with myn
owne good y reysed them and strengthed ageyne myn
owne hede. Ye sworen to me for to be trewe and
feythful. But al I found contrary, and nought as ye behyghte, for ye were tornynge
aboute subtylly yow seluen
as this whele [53r] yede.
Ye were nought in presence as ye were in absence. In
my syght only ye torned to the ryght hand, but vnder
erthe pryuely ye torned to
the lyft hand.
`And soo was I deceyued and my reame more wasted and
forfaren by werres and
other dyuerse weyes than euer hit was before. And
sothly the people aspyed wele youre subtilyte, and
saide that ye had another whele pryue vnder this
forsaid, whiche whele was meuyd by tornynge of this
other, that one fast, that other soft, by leyser and
processe lyke to the maner of an orologe.
`Soo was it seyd me, that by your cursyd engynes ye
weren ryght as cogges confedered
and entendyd with other suche brybours, whiche that
were your vnder offycers, and other of youre assent:
traytours and conspyratours, whiche that weren with
yow enterlacid to geders,
soo that by suche maner of confederacye my counceyl
and my pryuytees were knowen
by lettres oute of my reame,
wherfore ye receyued gold of myn enemyes, makyng
them syker where and what
tymes, to what profyte and auaylyng of them seluen,
they myght falsely entre in to my land and doo what
them lyst.
`Thus haue ye stolen my tresour, discouered
my counceylld, and by your fals confederacy
destroubled my royamme, and done me grete dysese by the pestylence of your
cursyd treson. Now wolde I hold yow subtyle, ye, more subtyle than
euer I held byfore, yf ye couthe with al that
tresour, whiche that ye so subtilly haue assembled,
make youre redempcion of these peynes, and be
deliuerd oute of this torment.
`But sothely, that shal neuer be, for right as euery
craft seweth his maister, be it good or bad, right
soo youre subtyl engyn of this wonder whele is comen
hider with yow, for to doo you seruyse that liketh
you but litell. And all the while that God is in
Heuen, here ye mote abide.
`Hider am I comen to telle and repreue
of youre fals sleigtes, doyng
yow to wite, that ye ben now
wretchid poure caitifs at the vttrest meschyef. And I shal haue ynowe
of al that me nedeth, for better counceille wille I
haue, and better beware of suche fals traitours and
fals conspiratours.'
After this thenne this mayster tormentour and bocher, that I spak of bifore,
spake to these caitifs that hangen in their tormente.
`Now haue ye', quod he, `youre ioye and youre
solace, suche as ye haue sought and rightwisly deserued; ye
traitours, ye pledours, ye aduocates, ye consystoryesf,
and of the popes court, ye laweours and maynteners
of wrong, bryngers of bribes, norisshers of
discencion, ye lyers and forsworen men, that hauen
doone soo grete peyne and besinesse to susteyne fals
causes to make it semen right, [53v] that was
very wrong, hynderyng the trewe quarell, and
fortherynge the false, lettynge
with delayes the ryght to be knowen, ne suffred
nought the sentence sone to be yeuen, for cause that
ye wold putte youre clyentes at the more cost in
fyllynge of youre pourses, and oftymes takynge mede of bothe two partes, knowyng
bothes counceyl, and bothe ye deceyued.