Iustyce Speketh to
Capitulo Quarto
'Now taketh heede and here
how amonge the braunches of this grene tree there
was a Lady hyd, that with ful huge dylygence kepte
this appyl and the appyl tree, soo that none sholde
it hurten ne harmen by vnskylful
touchyng. This Lady was the floure and the fayre
blosme of this tree, whos whytenes passyd the snowe.
More swete smellynge was she than the beaume, more bryghter than outher sonne or mone. She was
suster to aungels, and was cleped Vyrgynyte. To this
noble lady Iustyce approchid and said to hyr thus:
"Dame Blaunche", quod she, "take hede
what I shal seye the. It behoueth
that thou here me of a lytel thynge, and thou doo
hit gladly withouten ageyne seynge, ryght as I and
Reson shall shewe the sewyngly.
"Adam somtyme ete of an appel, wherof he [60v]
despoyled this drye tree,
whiche dede was done al ageynste ryght. And wyte it
wel, but yf it soo be, that also good an appel and
better than the rather was be
restored to this drye tree, Adam and alle his yssue
ben dampned for euer, withouten hope of other helpe
or socour. Now is it soo, that this appel tree that
thou kepest besyly, was
growen of this forseid Adam, ryght as his kyndely
heyre, wherfore skyle it
is, that by them and theyr besynesse
this drye tree be restablysshed, and ageyne clothyd
with this appell. Soo thenne hit behoueth that thou suffre me
goodly for to take this appel, whiche thou hast to
kepe, that I maye tatche hit
to this drye tree, and fastne it with nayles, to
that ende, that who so gothe by
the weye, maye see the restitucion, soo that Adam be
excused of that other, whiche he tooke withouten
leue of the Souerayne Lord.