Vyrgynyte Answerd
to Iustyce
Capitulo Quinto
`Vyrgynyte thenne answerd
and said in this wyse. "I myght wel withseyn
this thynge that ye asketh, but pleden ne can I
nought. But with shamefastnesse and symplenesse wyl
I kepe this appel, that no wyght ne hurt the tree,
ne the fruyte, as ferforthe as I
may. Neuertheles, for to wyte
what skyle ye haue to pursewe
for this appel, I wyl knowe youre name, whiche as me
semyth by semblaunt and by
habyte, that ye shold be Iustyce.
"Alisandre the grete kyng was somtyme in a full
fer and sauage countre, where he fond two trees,
that were cleped of the sonne
and of the mone, whiche trees told hym his fortunes
- what lyked hym but lytel - and after that byfellen
ryght as they seyde.
"Sith thenne, that ye ben Iustyce, as semyth by
youre occupacion, ye shal make these twoo trees
for to speke clerly, ryght as thou dydest these
other forsayd, soo
that this tree, that felyth hyr seluen wronged by
spoylyng of hyr fruyt, and asketh restitucion, shal
fyrst haue audyence to make hyr compleynt. And that
other shalle answer as hyr semeth good. And when
that they haue pledyd theyr caas and sought oute the
trouthe, lete the iugement be yeuen, as ryght wylle rewarden, and soo may fynal
pees be redressyd bitwene bothe partes."
"Soothly", quod Iustyce, "her to I
consent. I wylle nought contrary to this
`Thenne spak shea
to these trees, & sayd in this manere. [61r] "Ye
two trees", quod she, "yf that ye lyketh
to pleden youre cause, I graunte you leue. Seyth
what yow semyth eueryche in his parte."