Here Compleyneth
the Drye Tree vpon Adam of Spoylynge of the Appel
Capitulo Sexto
`Thenne said the drye tree:
"I compleyne me gretely vppon the first man,
whiche that withoute leue of me or of my Souerayne spoyled me of myn appel, and ete
it to his owne disworshyp,
& my ful grete harme and huge disauauntage. I
haue by his foly lost all my franchise,
soo that I am become alle wild and fruyteles, and
after departid fro my stok, translatid
fro place to place, ne neuer founden couenable to no manere of
profyte. And this haue I suffred by cause that I was
lyke to other baren trees, whiche that were growen
to that ende for to doo iustyce vppon them, that
were theues and morderers, soo that I ne may no
lenger suffren ne dissymylen,
but that I wylle pursue to recoueren, yf I may, that
me of ryght bylongeth to honoure and worshyp, for to
haue restablysshement
of my fruyte, whiche was fro me despoilled,
namely syth I see set in my presence a suffysaunta
appele growynge in this fayr florisshynge tree, by
whiche I may withouten ony delaye haue ful
restitucion. Soo I requyre you, Iustyce, that ye doo
me reson, and make me haue delyueraunce of that I
haue duely here asked bifore yow."