The Grene Tree
Capitulo Septimo
`Thenne gan this fayre
grene appel tree to shaken hyr leues and said in
this wyse: "though it so be", she said,
"that I am comen of Adam, and sprongen of his
rote, yet is not in me the venym that come in to
Adam by etyng of the appel, for I was ympyd frely, and vtterly
exepmtyd fro al maner taches
of Adams foly. Ne in me may be founde no manere of
tast ne sauour of nouther
stok ne roote, so that I ne owe no suche
restitucion, after my iugement, but only they ben
due to payen this dette, that ben corrupte and enuenymed by the forsaid roote.
Also in that other side, I ne bere neuer no mo but
this one appel, [61v] of whiche the pepyn was brought me out of Heuen,
whiche I helde withynne me fully nyne monethes, hyd
ryght euen in myddes of my body. And of me hath he
receyued only the rynde or the paryng - yf I soo
shal clepen it - whiche that ye seeth withoute,
whiche hath soo be wrought with influence of vertu
descendynge fro the Sonne, that I may wel be cleped
only the appeltree, and berer of this appell,
withoute medlure of ony
straunge corrupcion comyng fro withouten, wherfore
I see nought, why that it shold now be drawen oute
from me, myn owne swete appel that is cleped Ihesus,
whiche that is euerydel grauntid me frely fro Heuen.
"In hym is no parte of Adams cause, sauf only
the rynde withoute, wherwith he hath couered hym
self withynne my body, in whiche rynde is no maner
of synne ne defaute, for he ne
come neuer nyhe the olde stock on whiche that I was ympyd, ne neuer henge on other
tree than only on me, soo that bothe tree and fruyt
ben hoole withouten corrupcion, and frely exempt fro
al maner of synne.
"How maye thenne ony creature seyen that he
oweth restitucion, that neuer ne dyde trespas,
nether in word ne dede. Iustyce ne maye nought endyten this sentence that
this shold be due. They only owen to payen this
dette, to whome the synne of Adam hath attayned by
very succession and descent of kyndely