Iustyce Yeueth
Iugement for the Drye Tree
Capitulo xviii
"Wherfore I sey the
fayre grene tree, consyderynge all that hath be said
here at this tyme, bothe in one syde and other,
consyderynge also the tretys holden bitwene the
Trynyte, wherof I haue spoken, I yeue this fynall
sentence that the drye tree that here is shalle be restablysshed of this swete
appell, & there with be receasyd.
And this sey I forsothe, that Vyrgynyte hath nought
by this sentence grete cause to compleynen, for long
tyme hath she had this appel in hyr ward, and
sikerly the appel neuer auayleth while it is kepte.
But whan it is broken, than it shalle refresshen
moche folk that hauen parte therof."