How Enuye Dide the
Capitulo Xix
`Now shal I telle the what
bifel of this. Iustyce held her self stable in this
purpos, so the tyme come that seperacion shold be
made bitwene this swete appel & this appeltre,
& so it felle to the erthe, withoute ony
hurtynge, of this faire tree, & when he had
taryed there a couenable
tyme, Enuy, that had full subtylly
hyd hir self besides, seyd sykerly that she wold ben
the same that [64v] shold done execucion of
this forsaid sentence whiche Iustyce hath yeuen. And
she wold hange vp this appel vppon the drye tree and
restoren it ageyne, as this forsaid drye tree hadde
long tyme desired. And as she purposid,
so she dyde. So was this lusty appel hanged vppon
this drye tree and tatched with sharp nayles soo
hyhe and soo openly, that al the worlde fro ferre
and nere in euery syde aboute myght see the
Restitucion that was made by iugement of this Lady
`Thenne byganne this fayre tree to wepen and to
sorowen, wrythen hyr braunches for veray heuynesse, compleynyng with an
hye voys, seyng in this wyse: