Here Doctryne Speketh to the Sowle and Enformeth Him of Many Dyuerse Thynges

Capitulo Visesimo Quinto

What tyme that we neyhed to this forseid Lady, she gan to speken to me, and saide: `Thou knowest me nought, byleue me, in tyme that is passyd. And so hath send me word thyn owne body, to whiche thou passyng by the wey spake ful bitterly, puttynge vpon hym al thyne owne defautes, whiche were nought done by hym none otherwyse but as by thyne instrument that was vnder thy gouernauncea. For what tyme that thou firste entred in hym, there was in hym no lif, nought but that he was organysed kyndely only in power for to receyuen the withynne hym, by the to haue his mouynge. Thou were his first accion, his first werke, & his first mocion, ne neuer ne dyde he thyng [71r] withouten thyn assent and thyne owne lycence, for why thyne were the occupacions, myghtes and virtues, and all the dedes by whiche thou sholdest deserue blame either preysynge. Withouten the had the body no maner of power. He was only maater to whiche thou were the fourme, of whome now is he naked.

`Another fourme - accidentale
68, of lytel valewe - maye he wel haue, but fourme substantcial is hit nought that he hath. God fourmed theb to be his gouernour & hath put in the power vegetable, wherby to norisshen him, & power sensitif also, wherby for to mouenc hym. And ouer this ferthermore, he hath yeuen the reason, wherby for to worchen and chesen the good fro euylle. Soo hath he made the to his owne ymage and lykenes.

`And as Seynt Austyn hath taught me, God made man ryght as a Trynyte, yeuyng to hym his owne resemblaunce by lykely conuenyen­ce. For why he yaf him memory, apperteynynge to the Fader, he yaue hym vnderstandyng, that belongeth to the Sone, and also he yafe hym wylle, whiche that apperteyneth propyrly to the Holy Ghost. These three persones or propyrtees is veryly one sowle, of whiche neuer one is other, but al thre distynct in maner of theyr worchynge. And all thre ben one thynge in substaunce veryly indyuysible, wherfore hath he myght and kyndely power for to comprehenden hym self alone, withoute bodyly instrument, al maner of lykenes of alle thynges that ben intellygyble, subtyle, and ghoostely. But bodyly thynge he comprehen­deth by bodyle instrument, nought withstandynge that he fyndeth dyuersite and contrariosite, as hete and cold, moist and drye, only by touchynge quantitees, and colours also by the syght.'