The Sowle Asketh a
Question of Quantite of the Sowle
Capitulo Visesimo Sexto
Thenne was I in doute, and
asked hyr this demaund. `Me
semeth', quod I, `for certeyne that suche a sowle
shold ben huge of quantite, that soo myght
comprehenden in it self soo many huge thynges, as ye
haue here rehercyd.'
`Soothly nay', quod she. `But vnderstande me thus: I
haue told the to what semblaunt
and lykenes the sowle of man is fourmed after his
owne Creatoure, of whome Holy Writte saith in this
wyse: he is the myrrour69 withoute wem
or spot, in whiche ony creature that [71v] reson
hath, may behold his owne visage. Wherfore, sith
that the soule is fourmed to his lykenes, somme
maner of correspondence or relacion must nedes ben
bytwene tho two that ben y lyke, ryght as ther is
maner of conuenyence
bytwene the thynge that is sene in the myrroure, and
that other that is sene withouten.
`And nought for thy, hit
nedeth nought that the myroure be soo grete as is
the figure representid therynne, but in a ful lytel
myrroure thou myght see as grete an ymage as in
another that is double more. And though the myrrour
be broken in to an honderd pyeces, yet in euery pece
myght thou see the same figure hoole, wherfore it
nedeth nought to saye that the sowle of quantite be nother more ne lesse, for also
moche lyght may the sonne sende in to a litel hows
whiche hath in euery side skars
a mannes lengthe, as he may in to the halle of
Westmynstre. And herby myght thou felen that this
capacyte of the sowle requyreth no quantite of hym
seluen, saue only in vertue and in power, and of worchyng, for the sowle is
nought bodely.
`But quantite is an accident only appropred to bodyly thynges,
and no thyng to ghoostly
thynges, for yf it soo were that sowles were bodyly,
thenne must they nedes be more or lesse after the
bodyes whiche that they ben ynne, and as the body wexeth, so must the sowle, and
right so, yf hit amenused.
soo shold the grete men be the wiser than the lytel,
and haue gretter wyt. But
oftyme is proued the contrarye, for why the wit ne
sheweth not the bodely quantite.'
`Sith so it is thenne', quod I, `that sowles haue no
quantite, than ben they al euene,
and per consequens theyr wyttes shold ben euen y
lyke, and euenly shold they comprehenden al maner of
semblaunces. But they doo not soo, as ye wyteth well, for somme ben ther
founden that vnnethes
ony thynge mowe comprehenden, but ryght as a beest.'
`Sothe hit is', quod she, `that sowles ben euen in here beyng. But in vertu
and in power they ben ful dispereyle,
and ful dyuersly they conprehenden, somme of them
soner, and somme moche later, after that they haue
inpedymentes of theyr disposicion. For some myrroure
is moche clerer than somme other, and a clere
myrroure wyll more playnly represente the fourmes of
semblaunces of thynges
sette before it, than wylle another that is fowle
and spotty. Ryght so a sowle to whiche is yeue a wel
complexyoned body, and of more subtile mater
comprehendeth moche better than doth the sowle of
another body, the whiche is complexyoned
and formed of more ruder mater, eyther
of thylk that reicheth nought [72r]
to lerne. Therfore, what euer peyne and besinesse that he put vpon his
lernyng who that ought conne, suche thynges ben lettes and inpedymentes to
the sowle, soo that he ne shalle nought lyghtely
`And soothe it is that moche worse he comprehendeth
ioyned to the body than when he is dysseuered. For conioyned, as
Salamon seith70,
the corruptible body, be it neuer so subtyle & so wel
disposid, yet it agreueth and oppressith the sowle,
& letteth hym of his kyndely
worchyng. But dysseuered he
may applyen hym self soo nyhe to his ensample, that is
the Blessyd Trynyte, by clere speculacion
withouten empechement. He
may therynne behold and see as in the Souerayne
Myrroure, as moche as he can desire for to knowe,
for soothly fro a blysful sowle shalle no thyng be
hyd, al be it neuer so subtyle and so hyhe that he
wyll desiren, that ne shall be shewed hym. For this
Souerayne Myrrour comprehendeth al, and in hym is al
thyng representid, so that he vysiteth al his
creatures, and by his excellence of power enhabyteth
them euerichone.'
`Lady', quod I,`after myn aduys,
the sowle may not so visiten euery parte in that
maner wyse, ne enhabyten al thynges lyke as doth the
Souerayne Trynyte, wherfore, as semeth me, there
fayleth moche of these resemblaunce bytwene the
sowle of man & this ensample
that is the Souerayne Godhede.'
`Certes', said this angel, `in his propre nature and
in his kyndely maner he may seken & encerchen
euery place. Ne no thyng is there, that he can
desire that he ne may it knowen as in potence that
is kyndely power. And
therfore it is, that he resteth nought to seken
euery side, chaungyng his purpoos fro place to
place, vysytynge by ymagynacion alle the world
aboute. Ne no thynge is, in whiche he ne dwelleth
and enhabyteth for a tyme. But dwellen longe he ne
may nought, for where that goth his wylle, ther
gothe he therwith, ther he enhabyteth, & ther he
dwelleth ther as is his delyte and his thought for
the tyme.
`Loo, this hath euery sowle in
power, but nought al in
worchyng, some more and some lesse, after their
disposicion, as is afore said. Also I may seye more
felyngly to thyne experyence. As Seynt Austyn
techeth, ryght as God hym seluen is in his world
whiche that he wrought and made at his plesaunce -
and no place is voyde fro his myghty presence -
ryght soo dwelleth the sowle in his propre body as
in his propre world, whiche God hath formed and
putte hym therynne. Ne no place is there in the
body, but he be there al hoole.
`And for to taken this [72v] ensample more plenarly: ryght as God is
pryncipally in Heuen, yf clerkes ne lyen nought,
right soo moost principally and ententifly
is the sowle set in the brayne, and sithe
in the herte, withoute deceyuynge of ony other
partye, wherfor I seye the for soothe, that hooly
& entyerly the sowle is within his owne world
hoole in euery place for the tyme and paryode bifore ordeyened of the
First Maker. And soo were thou thy self within thy
worlde, wherof thou haddest for the tyme the hole
gouernaunce vnder thy Lord God as chyef lord of the fee, to whome, yf thou haddest done
thy due seruyse, no doute thou haddest noughta be deceysed so greuously, ne cast
so sore in damage. And sykerly
ther was no lymme within the body, ne no place so pryue, where thou ne claymedest
right and heldest thy possession, and all was it
hooly in thy gouernaunce.
`So thenne I seye, & wel maye, that what so euer
the body hath done, he hath hit done by the, be it good or bad, &
moch dele by thyn excitacion, wherfore more
pacyently thou owest for to bere thy peyne &
torment whiche thou suffrest now.'
`Ye tellyn me', quod I,`a merueylous tale, sith ye
haue said that the sowle is withouten quantite, and
after ye affermen that ther is noo membre soo
lytell, in whiche he nys al hole & entierly to
geders. And this, me thynketh, may not be but he
were of partees purified in many places.'