A Lytel
Declaracion of Nature of the Sowle by Addicion of
the Translatoura
Capitulo Visesimo Octauo
`To playner vnderstandyngb
of this mater, this is knowen thyng, that what tyme
a seed or pepyn is cast in
the erth, anone in processe of tyme by hete of
sonne and moysture of the grounde, hit draweth a
sowle vegetable, whiche
that augmentith and
noryssheth the mater of that seed, formyng it first
in to tender stalke. Sithen
shapen the leues, and sithen the flour, & so the
fruyte in to the ful rypyng, as tyme asketh.
`Ryght so, al so soone as a childe is conceyued in
his moder wombe by hete of the herte & moysture
of the moder blood, the mater draweth or engendreth
of it self by the werk of God a sowle vegetatyf,
which that noryssheth & augmentith hit, fourmyng
the membres, eueriche in his kynde, in to the tyme
that it be ful organysed, that is to seyn shapid, in
al his lymes, able to receyuynge of the sowle, &
so forth noryssheth, fedeth, and augmentith &
kepeth that body in his beynge in to the tyme that
this body haue drawen corrupcion by some accidence,
or that it be assayled by vyolence or fayle by age,
so that this sowle vegetatif cesseth of his worchyng, as thou seest an
herbe that is fordryed for defaute of moysture,
fallen to grounde after the wordes of Holy wryt: omnis caro
fenum & omnis gloria eius ut flos feni71:
euery man by his erthely nature is not else but heye
thatc is fordryed, & if they wold reioyen
them of ony godes of nature, as beaute, strength or
fresshnes, sothly al his ioye is [73v] but as
the floure of the hey, for also sone as the heye is
drye, the floure is forfaded & al the beaute
therof torned to nought.
`And when that this body is thus organysed, than it
engendreth of hit self by the forsaid hete &
norysshynge of the moder blood by influence of
celestyal bodyes a soule sensitif, whiche soule oned verily to the forsaid vegetif;
withouten more is euen of the same nature as is the
soule of a rude beest. And this soule sensitif it
is, which, as Holy Writ saith, euery beest beryth in
his blood. The same it is, that properly is cleped anima
quia animat corpus sibi coniunctum72,
that is to say: it lyueth or quycketh the body to
which he is conioyned. This is the sensualite of
man, that draweth hym to synne & to bestly
lustes. To this soule sensitif apperteynen the fyue
comyn wyttes; the offyce & the vse. This sowle
it is that Crist in his Gospel byddeth vs for to
hate, not to destroyen it ne vtterly fordone, but
for to repressen the outrageous
`But thenne euen forth with in the same instant that
this soule hath his ful beyng, the Fader of heuen
maketh a newe creature, of the selue nature that is
a very angel, & anon conioyneth to that other
sowle sensitif, so that thenned they two ben
very one withouten abylyte to ben disseuered.
`And this soule is propyrly cleped the spirit, and
so meneth Saynt Austyn in his book De Spiritu et
Anima. Of this soule it is that our Lord speketh
when he seith thus: Spiritus
est qui viuificat; caro non prodest quidquam
The spirit is that quyckneth the flesshe ne auaileth
not. This soule sensitif it is that couetith & trauaileth alwey ayenst this
spirite, desiryng for to drawe hym to his owne
likenes to folowe the lustes of the flesshe, of
whiche he took his beyng. And ther ayene the spirit
stryueth & trauaileth for to drawen that other
to his likenes, & folowe the wyl of God, of
whiche he took his beyng & his first begynnyng.
And this strif & batayl it is, that Seynt Powle
speketh of whan he seith: caro concupiscit aduersus spiritum,
et spiritus aduersus carnem, hec enim
simul aduersantur
74. The flesshe, that
is, the flesshely part of the sowle, coueteth ayenst
the spirit, & the spirit ageyn the flesshe, so
that these two ben alwey aduersaryes to geder, &
notwithstandynge this contrariositef,
these two ben veryly one in substanceg, so
that I mene not that a man hath two soules, but that
he hath a soule of two natures. One flesshly,
another ghostly; another bestly, another manlyh.
`This sensitif parte of the soule it is, that bereth
thy fardel of synne, which thou brennest here. And
he it is, that maketh the suffre this dysease. And
he it is, that must be purged fro all corrupcion of
synne er [74r] that thou come in blysse.'
`Hit semeth thenne', quodi I,`that two contrariousj
thynges ioyned so to geders with such continuelk
strif, that one shald destroye that other in
processe of tyme.'
`Sothly', quodl this Lady, `in maner so it is,
for yf it so befalle that the spirit is the strenger
& the myghtyer in Grace & Vertue, he
destroyeth the vycious worchyng of the flesshely
sowle, & draweth hym vtterly to that semblauncem
of hym seluen, & soo ferre he may withdrawen hym
fro the flesshe, that he no thyng shall worche after
the flesshe, but only by ordynaunce of the spirite.
And yf he be brought to this poynt, than is that
vicious worching destroyed, & the soule as it
were transformedn, holy renewed, & chaungedo
in to very one hede with the forsaid spirit.
`Thus meneth the apostel that seith thus: renouamini
in nouitate sensus75, be renewed
in newe maner felyng. This maner of renewyng made
the holy martirs foryete al maner of peynes that menp
couthe do to them, for the felyng was clene drawen
out fro flesshlynes, & rauysshed in to
goostlynes by myght of the spirit. Andq who
that thus can oppresse the soule sensitif, that he
be veryly one with the spirit whan the spirit partid fro the body, he hath not
what to letten hym to percen hye heuen, & ther
to lyue blysfully for euer.
`And in that other side, yf the soule sensitif drawe
doune tor the flesshlynes the forsaid spirit,
than he destroyeth hym, and but Grace of amendement
be grauntids hym of God er that he departe fro
the body, no doute he is lost & destroyed euer
withouten ende.'
`But this', quodt I,`is a wonderu thyng,
that ye seyen, that the soule of man shold be made
of the same nature that is an angel, for yf it so
were sithen that angels had as parfite knowyng in
their first creacion, as they shal haue at the
worldes ende, it wold shewe thennev, that a
soule shold ben as wise the houre of his creacion as
euer he shal ben after. But this semeth not soth,
wherfore me thynketh that a soule is of an other
nature than is an heuenly angel.'
`Ful soth it is', quodw this Lady, that angels
were as parfitely wise & had as moch knowing in
their first creacion as ony tyme after. But that had
they nought of nature, wite it wel, but only by the
yift of the Souerayn Lord. For yf thou vnderstande
wel that we before haue spoken of the clere
polisshed myrrour of the Deyte, therynne the heuenly
angels, as sone as they were made, gonne to behold,
& therin they saw the very resemblauncex
of al creatures, & of al that shold betide in to
the last ende, so that some of them behelden so ententifly in the beaute of
this selue myrrour that is the Souerayn Godhede, thaty
thouh they saw
therin al these forsaid resemblancesz,
yet they forsokenaa
vtterly theab siht of al [74v]
that, and only delyted them in beholdynge the beaute
and clernesse of this forsaid myrrour, & so were
they rauysshed by a ioyfull wondrynge, that neuer ne
mowe they desire none other delyte.
`Some other ther
were, as Lucifer and his felaushyp, that also sone
as theyac beholden this myrrour & saw theyr owne
beaute, they foryete the worthynes of this forsaid
myrrour, delitynge them to beholden and wondren
vppon their owne excellence. But for as moche as
they sawe this myrrour, passyng in beaute and more
excellent in clernesse than them self were, anon
they enuyed the worthynesse of this myrrour,
desirynge for to ben euen y lyke to hit. But that
was vnskilful and
impossible, wherfore they conceyued a peyne, whiche
peyne was so sore fastned withyn them, and peysid soo heuy, that it drowe
them doune sodenly in to the pyt of helle, by whiche
falle the remenaunt conceyued suche a gracious and
ful reuerent drede, that they were fully confermyd
in Grace, withoute possibilyte euer for to falle.
And soothly soo sore they dredyn
the lesynge of that blysse, that
they enforceth them
also ferforth as it is possyble for to precen nyhe to this myrrour, and
preysen the excellence & the beaute therof with al
their besinesse, and fully
foryeten their owne beaute and al other thynges.
`By this it semeth well that the knowyng of the
aungels is not of their nature, but only of the
influence of the myrrour in which they biholden. But
a newe formed sowle ne sawe neuer thys myrrour,
wherfor he hath not the cause of knowynge lyke to an
aungel. But knowynge moost he gete by laboure and
exercise in this maner wey: In euery creature that
may be apperceyued by bodily wittes, ther relecith a
beme of this bryght myrrour, by whiche it hath his
beaute, more either lesse, after the worthynesse of
the mater what tyme that the sowle biholdith the
beaute of these creatures, which they may wel wyte
they haue not of them seluen, for why the matter
that they comen of is no thynge y like, as the white
lely, the rede rose, the fresshe violet, ben no
thyng like erthe ne lyke the seed, nor wherof they taken their
beynge. Thenne sheweth it that this beaute cometh
fro els where. The sowle thenne, that is fourmed
lyke to an angel, with abilite of knowyng kyndely, desireth to knowen, &
put this abilite in to very worchyng. He seketh by
discors of reson the skyles
& the causes of the wonderfulad beaute of these
forsaid creatures.
`And this conclusionae he fyndeth, that nothyng
cometh of nouht, that is to
seye, withoute a begynner, but a cause and pryncyple
[75r] there must nedes be. And thus he
apperceyueth that al this forsaid beaute is nought
elles but a maner enlumynynge of this bryght fayre
clene polysshed myrrour.
`Loo, these thynges foundenaf somtyme
philosophres withouten mannes techynge, only by
shewynge of reson. And thus meneth the text of Powle
wrytynge to the Romayns, amonges whome at that tyme
was had greete subtylite in philosophye: inuisibilia Dei, a
creatura mundi, per ea que facta sunt,
intellecta,conspiciantur; sempiterna
quoque virtus eius, & diuinitas76.
The inuysyble goodnes and beaute of our Souerayn God
ben sene and vnderstand of these worldly creatures
by these vysyble thynges, that ben made soo fayre
and agreable to oure bodyly wyttes. For why, euery
thynge that is made, must nedes haue a maker better
than it self, and thylke
maker, eyther he is a creature, and made of some
other, els he is of hym self withouten ony maker.
And this processe endeth nought tylle we come to hym
that maketh al, and is nought made hym self. And by
cause that a sowle knoweth his Maker thus by his
creatures as Cause and Begynner of al that isag
made, hym nedeth processe of tyme for to gete thus
knowynge by discours of reson for to seke this connyng.
`But an aungel knoweth al thing in contrary wyse, for he knoweth
al thynge only in the Maker, therfor there is nought
ferther to seken by discours, but fully they resten
in the speculacion of this
forsaid myrrour of the Deyte.'
`Why is it thenne', quod I, `that a sowle anone as
he is fourmed, vseth nought discours of reason to
knowe oute the trouthe?'
`Soothly', quod this Lady, `in to the tyme that he
haue apperceyued by the bodely wyttes the beaute
& the merueyle of sensyble thynges, he wote neuer what to seke, though he
wold, for it fareth by the sowle in his byrthe as it
doth by a man enclosid in a derke hows fro his first
daye. The soth it is, but yf that a man telle hym,
he knoweth nought what is withouten, ne he wote
neuer whether he may see or noo. He considereth
nought therof, ne thynketh nought ther vpon. Yet
hath he eyen & abylyte of syght yf he come to
lyghte, for withouten lyght his eyen nought auaylen.
Suche one ne iugeth nought of colours.
`Ryght soo a sowle in to the tyme that he come to
the lyght of vnderstandyng by vse & exercyse of
bodyly wyttes, al though he haue abylyte of knowyng,
yet ne knoweth he not, saue only as a beest, that
nature techeth hym. For as I said before, a sowle is
not formed connyng, but he is
formed with abylyte of connyngah
he mote receyue of withouten, as a myrrour is not [75v]
wrought with resemblaunces, but he is wrought able
to receyue them fro withouten and representen to the
bodely wyttes.
`And wyte it wel, the naure of an aungel, and also
of a sowle, is for to resten ioyefully in knowynge
of his Creatour, whiche the aungel hath by very
fruycion, but a sowle conioyned and ploungedai
in bodely mater is so sore oppressid, that he ne may
nought come to that knowyng withoute grete labour of
discors, whiche labour moch peyneth the organs or
instrumentes of the worchyng, wherfor for tendyrnes
in youthe, and in grete age, for feblenesse of these
instrumentes, whiche I clepe the thre celles, wherof
I spak before, he suffyseth nought to labouren in
discours, sekyng causes, ne disputynge for to
fynde trouthes, for it shold destroyen the
instrumentes. Depremit
terrena habitacio sensum multa cognitantem77:
the flesshe, that is the erthely duellynge place,
depressyth by his heuynesse a mynd that is moche
pensyf and laboureth in discours.
`Somme sowles also ben plounged in soo boystous and soo rude mater, that
they merueylen of no thynge that is often sene. They
syken nought therfor the causes, but only resten
theyr delyte vpon the same thynges, and these ne
mowe nought come to knowynge of theyr Creatour, but
ful rudely by informacion. Vnnethes
may I fastne vpon them ony conceyte neyhynge to he