Of Two Wonderful
Images, One Armed,
and Another Naked, Whiche the Sowle Sawe
Capitulo Visesimo Nono
Many suche thynges
tolde me this wyse Lady, whiche I haue now no
tymea to rehercen. Soo
thenne wente we forthe, myn angel & I, and at the
last I saw before me a wonder machynament and a
meruaylous. Two ymages huge of
fourme were set in hyhe place. That one ymage was
lyke to a lusty knyght syttynge vppon horsback,
showynge first by manere of his contenaunce, and
semyd al redy for to wage bataylle.
That other ymage was wonderfull, as I shal shewe
And nought ne wyst I what hit wold mene, but as I
asked of myn aungel, neuertheles I me remembrid of
the statua which Nabugodonosor78 somtyme sawe in his
sweuenynge, and soo was this resembled therto by the
text of the Scripture.
[76r] This ymage was huge of quantite and grysly to behold, and had the
hede of fyn gold, the armes and the breste of clene
pured syluer, the wombe and the thyes of bras, the
legges al of yren and of erthe. Thenne ganne I to
behold toward myn aungel in purpoos to asken hym
what this sygnyfyed.
`Full wel', quodb he, `hast thou long tyme
passid seen them and redde in the book of Danyel78, how that
Nabugodonosor somtyme lay thenkynge in his bedde how
that his royamme and his peple myght be gouerned,
treted, and demened, soo that it myght be to
his own hertes reste and worshyp to withouten. Soo
was hit shewed hym in his slepe of the Lordes Grace
by interpretacion of the prophete Danyel to knowe
how that it stood for the tyme present, and it shold
standen after his dayes, how that his reame shold be
wasted and destroyed, what ende it shold take, and
in whoos handes it shold bycome.
`The facione and the fourme of this forsaid ymage
hast thou sene thy self in this present statua, and
by the declaracion of the hooly prophete this
or this ymage signyfyed the same kynge Nabugodonosor, whiche
had an heede of gold, to that ende that alle kynges
and emperours, and al that hauen estate of
gouernaunce, therof sholden taken theyr ensamples to
vsen good gouernement.
`Take good heede now what I shalle seye to the. As I
haue lerned and herd seyen byfore, this word
statua, whiche that we transumen into Englysshe,
that is to mene "an image". Hit cometh of this Latyn
word statuo, that is
to seyn, as for to ordeyne setten or stablysshe a
thynge to be nought remeuyd oute of his place, but
for to standen stedfastly alweye permanable. And therof
ordynaunces of pryuate lawes in reames and in
comynaltees ben cleped statutes, for they sholde be
stabelly kepte and obserued, euer withouten
`Hit was somtyme ordeyened and establysshed to that
ende that a kyng shold ben in remembraunce to alle
tho that were his lyeges, that ther sholde be made
an image also nyhe
resemblynge to the kyng of the countre as ony crafty
man couthe cast or countrefeten,
that for as moche as the kyng myght nought in alle
places be present, ne his persone myght come to the
syght of comyn peple, they shold bihold that image,
by whiche syght they sholden be
for to disobeyen or rebellen ageynst the lawes.
`And this ymage shold representen the kynges estate
to euery mans herte as though he said to hym in this
maner wyse: suche is your kyng; this is his land.
Beware, for he wylle be
wroken of his enemyes [76v] and tho that
disobeyen hym. And trewely, ful sothe it is that the
moste parte of kynges and gouernours that haue ben
in oure dayes ben lyke to the dede ymages, as to ony
comforte or help of the people and trewe
mayntenaunce of the iust lawes. They faren right as
done weryels of ymages
made of clothe stopped with strawe, that holdith in
his hand a bowe bent to fere awey the foules oute of
the corne. But soothly they sheten
neuer shotte, ne they done none execucion vpon
extorcioners, ne tyrauntes that falsely oppressyn
his peple, ne nought els he rewardeth, but only
that his persone be mayntened myghtely in honour and
worshyp, and who that ought seith or doth that
therto repugneth, he nys
but Dethes mete.
`But the wyse kyng Salamon in his book
Ecclesiasticus79 writeth and saith
ryght thus: "The gouernaunce of the wyse man is euer
ferme and stable; suche as is the iuge, such ben his
iugementes. Suche as is the kyng eyther lord of the
cyte, suche is the peple. An vnwyse kyng or
gouernour lesith
his people, but by the wytte of a suffysauntc souerayne the
peple is saued and defended." Wherfore I seye: the
werkes of a gouernoure ben properly his statua or
his ymage, fourmed and depynted to his lykenesse by
maner of his gouernaunce, whiche must nedes be open
to al his peple, be it one or other. Ne he ne shalle
nought ben of power, be he neuer so myghty, for to
werne the peple iugen his ymage pryuely amonges
them, and for to descryuen to the vttermest, be it
good or badde.
`Of this statua or ymage it is, that men of hyhe
power ben cleped men of estate, for they standen
alwey open to the people by maner of theyr
gouernaunce that they vsen - better or werse. And
euery persone of estate shold ryghtwysly bere that
name of estate by stablenes of his gouernaunce.
`And yf he be nought stable, but
and flyttyng fro veray stedfastnes, thenne bereth he
the name of estate after statua that is an ydole or
an ymage that nothyng auaileth. Of suche a persone
or gouernour speketh the prophete Ysaye in repreuyng
his vnthriftynesse, and seyth: O pastor et
ydolum domus Israel
80: O thou wretchyd
herd and fals feder of the hows Israel, that arte
clothed with gold and sette in huge arraye. Alle
folke the alouteth and obeyeth, and
thou arte veyne, and voyde of al maner of vertue,
ryght as an ymage that nought hath of manlyhede, but
only of lykenesse by maner of shap withouten.
`Wherfore suche persones of estate shold bere theyr
name of stabylnesse, & al that they seyde or dyde
shold be of suche delyberacion
that it myght be taken for autoryte of lawe, right
as a statute ordeyned and sette to rewle the people.
And yf so be that a kynges wordes and werkes be of
suche sadnes and lawes
keped stably withouten ony cauyllacions or
fals fauoure of persones or
of propre lucre, thenne
is thilk estate trewely deryued of this Latyn word
sto, that is to seyne: stand & stably abide euer
in one by very constaunce of his free courage. And
thenne is this statua able to be honoured & dred of
the peple
`In this maner of stabilite stood neuer
Nabugodonosor, ne neuer had his ymage suche honour
ne worship, but yf it were of
and flaterers.
`But, shortely for to speke, by the stablenes of the
statutes of a kynge or prynce wel kepte & mayntened
to gouernaunce of the peple, the gouernour is knowen
and in contynuel remembraunce many dayes after, and
leueth as it were behynd hym a statua or an ymage
ofd his allowable and sadde condicions, wherfore
euery kynge and gouernoure hath grete mater and
cause that their statua be soo wel portreyed by
their good maners and
of gouernancee, that it maye be loued and
honoured of the peple. For no doute he standeth in
soo open place, that euery man full ofte casteth to
hym his eye beholdyng thereupon, preisinge it or
blamyng in his herte, after that hym semeth he duely
hath deserued.'
`The emperour Constantynf somtyme said in this wise
as touchyng this mater: "In the more heyhe place of
estate that we ben set amonges other men, the more
clerely be we sene and apperceiued of euery mans
eye, wherfore all thyng that we seyen or done shold
ben att al tymes good and commendable, that noo
repreef were founden therin."
`This Constantyn, by his maner of seyng, sith he
hath soo hye estate as emperour and cheef of the
world in temporel
gouernaunce, he wold establisshe soo hym seluen and
his lawes, that no man fynde in hym noo manere of defaute, but that euery wight
preised and blessid bothe hym and his lawes. For why
euery good kynge is preised by the exampler figure
or statua of his good condicion, and knowen therby,
right as a man is knowen by his visage.
`And therfor, this haue I said, and yet seye, that a
kyng or prynce that hath a reaume
to rewle and to gouerne, he maye no better shewe hym
self to his peple, ne putt hym self in knowlege,
than by his good and vertuous gouernement, by the
whiche he shall be honoured and worshiped, either els by his euyll gouernement
be blamed and dispreised. If he be a tyraunt, he
shalle ben hated and despised. If he be lachesse of [77v] his
lawes, men wyll scorne hym as a dede ymage that of
nought ne seruyth.