Of the Neck of
this Ymage
Capitulo Trisesimo Primo
`By reason also, and good
right, the neck of this ymage also shold be of gold,
al though that Danyell therof make no mencion. Nought for thy, clerkes
tretynge therupon, declarynge the story, seyen that
this necke was of gold, lyke to the hede.
`The necke of a kyng may wel be cleped his kynrede, that is the royal blood
of the reame that next vnder the hede is set, aboue
the body, ryght as the sustenal
and the piler wherupon to resten and affyen
hym selue. And this necke shold be the passage and
repassage fro the hede to the body, and ryght so
ayeneward, soo that what the neyther
partes of the body nedyn to requyren to theyr owne
comfort or gouernaunce of the body, by these hit
shalle be sought and requyred.
`And in that other side, hea, as a good
hede by his wyttes and his hyhe discression shalle
mayntene these membrys, and norysshen withouten ony
varyenge, soo that his gouernaunce be admynystred
doune to the hole body by his necke, that is this
royal lygnage. Also this neck
shalle be the suspyralle
wherby the brethe shalle be drawen bothe to comforte
of the hede, and eke of al the body, and yf it soo
be that there come to the hede ony discomfortableb
tydynges by them that ben next of his blood, he
shalle drawe bothe counceill and comforte, ryght as
who so draweth a depe sighe fro the herte roote.
`The necke also is the ioynture
of the hede and the body, and maketh them bothe one.
Soo shalle these royal lordes ben menes &
medyatours bytwene the kyng and his peple in euery
nede that may befalle in euery maner tyme, so that
ther be bytwene them good pees and acord, as good reson wylle that
ther be.