The Brest of this
Capitulo xxxiii
`After this hit seweth to
speke of the brest of syluer. The brest, after comyn
seynge, shold ben as a closure
of tresour shyt or closid in maner of a coufre
wherin that men shal put pryue thynges that nedyn to
be saued. Vpon this brest shal be set an ouche or a broche,
whiche shal ben as it were a keye or fastnyng of
this maner of closure.
`By this breste is vnderstandea the streyte counceyll closen,
by whiche a kyng wylle be gouerned [81v] hym
self and his reame, so that these shalle trewely
kepen his secret withouten shewynge outward. And hit
ne shalle nought be withoute a broche fastned
therupon, that is sacrament of assurence, by whiche
he may haue the more siker triste.
`Ne it is nought outrageous, though a kynge haue
suche two or thre, of the wiche he may maken a
coufre closid with his pryue counceyll. But for to
speke of counceilours in special, thou shalt
vnderstande to a kynge byhoueth seuen counceylours,
of whiche I shal seye the the maner and their
office, eueriche in his kynde.
`The first counceylourb must be a good and
trewe counceilour, moost pryue to hym of ony other
persone, as touchynge to the secrete of his
`The second ben tho pryue frendys whiche I haue
spoken of before, to whiche he must affyen hym self of other worldly
thynges that nedyn to be tretid of gouernaunce of
his owne estate to be mayntened in worshype,
& also of the reame to be kept & saued fro
theyr enemyes within & withoute.
`The thyrd counceilour is the chauncelerc with
other connynge men of lawe, as iustyces and
sergeauntes, and suche other connyng
men that owen for to knowen the lawes and statutes
of the land, by whoos counceylle he shal yelde euery man that to his right
`The fourth counceylour ben other, that shal haue
for to sene in special to gouernaunce of his propre
goodes, his rentes and his reuenues, gabelles & customes, and suche
other auauntages rightwysly
to be lyfte, that he haue no nede to pyllen his
peple, ne to bed enbryked
by dette to ony of his subgettis, ne that he faile
not of good in the tyme of nede, bothe for his
houshold and also for other auentures, whatsoeuer
`The fyfthe counceylour must ben the steward of his
houshold, with the tresorer, and other wyse
offycers, whiche oweth for to see that his houshold
be honestly gouerned, fyrst in honeste of the
persones in good pees and charyte, acordaunt to geders, sithen in plente and
lyberalyte of mete and drynke to
all manere of peple, sithen
in chere and disport to straungeourse, comynge
fro alyene countrees, so that the kynges worship may
wexen and encrecen and long tyme
be mayntened in prosperite.
`The sixthe counceilour is the conestable,
with the marschall
and other wise knyghtes of werre and other auncyen, trauayled
men that ben experte in dedes of armes, by whome he
must ordeyne his castels and garnysons duely to be
kept and stuffed with vitaille,
and with armour, & with suffysauntf
persones to sauyng of the countreg, & yf
nede be also to ony iourney outward for to repressen
the pride & theh malice [82r] of
his enemyes.
`The seuenthe counceyloure is the phisicyen, after
whoos counceylle he must be gouerned in dyete and in medycynes that nedeth
to the hele of his persone.
`And al these seuen counceylloursi muste
alweye be cloos and pryue, soo that by them his
counceylle be nought shewed ne publysshed outward.
And this is wel fygured in the Apocalipsis84
by the angel that was gyrd vpon the brest with a
gyrdell of gold, bytokenyng that the pryue
counceylle of a kynge shold be kepte secrete and
loken in the brestes of his counceylours, right as
tresoure is loken in a cheste.
`The breste is of syluer riche and suffysaunt ynowe,
soo that them nedeth nought to glosen
ne to flateren for plesaunce and hope of yeftes, ne
bryken ne stele for nede of them seluen.
`Bryght shynyng must this brest be by honeste of
fame and also of theyr byrthe, so that they be
nought disclaundredj of no vicious tatches,
pryncipally of couetyse,
which is cleped maumetrye
and rote of al synne85.
`This brest also must be wel sownynge, that they
drede no persone for to seye a trouthe. This syluer
also must ben withouten medlure
of ony corrupte metal, that they coueyte nought to
be neyhe the kyng for no corrupte cause ne hope of
auauncement, but only goode and trewe counceyll.
First to Goddes worship, and sithen to his owne.
`Ful soothe it is that somme ther ben that semyn
syluer by apparence without forth. But they faren
lyke to wormes that shynen by nyght lyke to a sterre
or to a precious stone, vppon whiche yf thou putte
thy hand, thou shalt nought fynde but fylthe.
Soothly suche shold hold no thyng pryue,
ne yeue no trewe counceylle.
`But yf hit soo be that this kynges counceylle be
very trewe syluer, sownynge clerely and shewynge by
quyck reson that theyr seynge is sad and sothfast,
suche a counceyller may wel be lyk to Aaron86, that had a
broche or a tatche fastned vnder his breste, that
was cleped Racionale, in whiche was wryten these
Dyscrecion in iugement, trouthe, and
trewe doctryne, as though a man wolde
seye: euery bisshop and prelate shold ben lyke to
Aaron; iust in his iugementes, trewe in counceyll,
yeuyng by hyhe discression the sadnes
of his counceylle. The hygher that he is sette in
estate, the more shold his wordes be of substaunce,
and moost of reputacion.
`And grete shame is to hym, yf he yeue ony other
counceylle than good and profitable, for he shold
nought be set in that estate, but yf he were wyse
and of grete discression. And but yf more were
founden in hym than in ony other, and soothely yf a
counceylourk be founde in defaute of vntrewe
counceylll, [82v] he shold be iuged to
the same peyne as was the serpent that falsely
deceyued Eue with his fals counceylle. He was iuged
that for euer after he shold
eten of the erthe and crepe vpon his breste87.
`For soothly euery fals counceylour may properly be
cleped a serpent whiche that with his enuenymed tonge defameth the
renome of thylke that he counceyleth, puttynge in
his ere the venym of his fals and wycked deceyte,
wherfore good ryght is that vpon suche one be take
vengeaunce by iugement, as to suche a deceyuoure
lawfully belongeth. And no lesse peyne is due to
suche one that can nought kepen cloos the counceylle
of a kynge, which sholde be kepte pryue and nought
proclamed out.