The Descryuynge of
the Mansion of Aungels
Capitulo Quarto
`The other seuenthe world,
that is abouen these other, that sowen
is so thycke with sterris of saphyre, there dwellen
the special seruytours of the Hyhe Lord, departyd by
theyr dignytees in to thre Ierarches of the Blysfull
Aungels, and, and [94v] euery Ierarchye in to
thre ordres, soo that these thre Ierarchyes reduced
in to thre representeth the very Blysfulhede of the
Souerayne Trynyte. For in these nyne ordres is
founden the suffisauncea
of all maner of
seruyse that is appertynent to his Blysful Godhede.
`And wyte it wel, that all these forsaid Seyntes
haue also certayn places of dignytees among these
souerayn ordres, by cause of their hye merytes &
specialte of vertues, whiche that they had while
they were in Erthe.
`Ther am I enhabyted in the lowest ordre. In
eueriche of these ordres ben grete nombre of blisful
spirytes, an honderd and twoo and twenty thousand
twoo honderd and twenty and twoo odde in all, after
the trewe dyuysyon of this Scripture: mille milia
ministrabant ei, et decies centena milia assistebant
ei100, a thousand seruyd the Lord, and ten honderd
thousand ben assistent in his Presence. Neuertheles,
of the very nombre can I not dispute, for euery daye
and euery houre he may maken newe spirites whan that
hym lyketh. These Angels
contynuelly fleen aboute fro place to place, ne none
mansion is there that they ne vysyten, but their
pryncypal beynge is alweye in the Presence of God.