Of the Eyghte
Mansion, That is of the Godhede
Capitulo Quinto
`The eyghte world
whiche thou seest - hyhest of alle - theryn sytteth
the Hyhe Kynge, and in myddes therof is sette this
royal throne that is wondre precious and ful clere
polysshed. And it is full lyke to the sonne, but
it isa moche more reede and also
moche more shynynge bryghter in it seluen.
`There he yeueth his blessynge in euery parte aboute
to them that hym seruen and obeyen as to their
Souerayn Lord. Abouten hym is that ioye with whiche
he is corowned more lusty and fayre, hit myght
nought be deuysed. And his corowne is ful sowen of precious stones, ful
bryght shynynge of merueylous beaute, among the
whiche ben sette wonder subtylly
sterres of huge light, wonderfully sparkelyng and
castyng oute bemes of huge bryghtynes and passyng clerte.
`Within this ioye and this Royall Coroune whiche
that enuyronneth the throne in euery parte aboute [95r]
oftymes entreth the Quene, and comyth to the Kynges
presence, beholdyng in his Blessid Visage withouten
ony corteyn or enterclosynge
bytwene. And there she sytteth vpon a sege of
cristall, ful clerly bornysshed. And there she
prayeth for synners, that the Lord hath them ryght heuy at hert for theyr wycked
erroure, but that he suffre
them softely, abydynge theyr amendement.
`And wyte it wel, that alle these habytacions these heuenes and
these worldes, whiche I haue rehercyd,
is but one hows, wonderly departid in shewyng the
grete nobylyte and fayrehede, to that ende, that the
dyuersite of merytees and the degrees of enhabytours whiche that ben
therynne, mowe openly be shewed and sene.
`The closure of this place is infynyte of perdurable
mater, whiche that by enemyes ne maye neuer be wasted ne no weye vndermyned. More
thynke I nought to telle the of this place, now at
this tyme.'
In this poynte I ganne to byhold in to the hyhe
heuene, that euerydele shyned as bryght bornysshed
gold. And ther I sawe a merueylous Cerkle of
syngulere gretnesse, conteynyngeb
within it
self wonder grete space. And a full circuite it
made, the gretenes therof ne couthe I not gesse nor
This Cercle entred in to that one side of that
golden Heuen, and come oute in that other, in maner
of a reynbowe. This Cercle in his bordure was, as me
semyd, of mesurable brede, of coloure saphyryn, and was redyly lyned
by ordre, and set full of sterres, wonder bryght
shynynge and clerely flammynge, whiche were sette by
thyrty and by thyrty in suche a maner wyse, that in
euery thyrty was sette a grete sonne, as me semyd,
as large as the bordure of this Cercle.
Abouen this Cercle, Aungels songen and maden moche
melodye with many dyuerse instrumentes, that yf
there had be herd suche a songe in Erthe, I suppose
that the stones sholde nought haue kepte them fro
syngynge for the passaunt
ioye. There nys thynge in Erthe that ne wold haue
hasted thyder and haue receyued lyf by meuyng of the
forsaid Cercle different; soo mesurable it torneth
These forsaide Aungels ledden thre spirites, whiche
were coroned with gold and clothed to the foote of
reed blody purpre, gyrd with ceyntes
of gold wonder bryght shynynge. Within this golden
Heuen they entred, and in a litel while they comen
oute agayne. And all these other sayntes oute of
their mansions assembled them redy for to mete with
them. And soo they wenten aboute, enuyronnynge the
Heuene, and syngynge besily, and said in this wise:
`Blessid be [95v] thou, Lord oure God, and
Oure Souerayne God Ihesu Goddes Sone, that bought vs
with thy blood, that soo honourest oure felauship,
for the good dedes of whiche we ben partyners of thy Souerayn
Thenne I bethought me vppon the byrdes as thrusshes
and thrustels and stares,
whiche I haue sene syttynge in assemble vpon a hy
tree in a clere day, syngyng so swetely, and
preising the Lord, that is hyr creatour. Ryght so
dyde alle these Sayntes, ful besyly honourynge and
preysynge the Souerayne Lord aboue ful mekely and
deuoutely, ioynynge theyr handes.