Of the Kalendre of
Capitulo Sexto
`O dere Aungel', quod
I,`seye me, I beseke yow, teche me somwhat of the
yonder Cercle, and also of that solempne fest, whether
that it endure in suche solempnyte.'
`Thou wotest wel, that the Chirche Militant', quod
he,`that laboureth here in Erthe, hath in comyn
vsage for to halden oftymes solempne festes, somme
more and somme lesse, after the tyme and dygnyte
bylongyng therto, and after the worthynesse of the
Sayntes, for whiche they ben holden, eyther
els for somme specialte of seruyse that they owen to
them, as knyghtes to Seynt
George101, goldsmythes to Seynt Dunstone102,
and soo forthe of other. Thenne to that ende, that
no defaute be, ne the tymes
foryete ne falle oute of mynde, att whiche tymes
suche feestes shold be holde, they ben wryten in a
Kalender, eueriche in theyr ordre, as the yere
`Now is it so, that this Chirche Mylytant enforceth
for to sewen and counterfetena
as moche as
he may the Hyhe Chirche aboue, for wel she wote and
vnderstandeth, that fro thennes she come, and there
she bygan as the doughter comyng fro the moder. Loo,
thus seyth Seynt Iohan103:
"I sawe", saith he, "the
Cyte of Ierusalem descendyng newe fro Heuen."
And yf thou knewe clerely, or vnderstood this thyng,
thou sholdest wel wyte what it
is, that thou hast sene here aboue, and that it is
the example and the patron of this Cercle aboue.
`This Cercle aboue that thou seest is the Kalender,
whiche with the tornynge aboute sheweth the dayes of
the Sayntes, what tyme they shall solempnyse theyr festes. Euery
yere this Cercle maketh [96r] a torne aboute.
Euery sterre standeth for a day, and euery sonne for
the space of thyrty dayes, whiche is clepeth a
`But thou shalt vnderstande the mesurynge of these
dayes after the mouynge of the materiall sonne and
sterred Heuen bynethe. For we taken for a general rewle that there ben none alternementes of dayes,
neyther of monethes, but one contynuell day, that
neuer shalle ben ended, alweyes that therb
may be
had parfyte remembraunce of alle these, that haue
put peyne and laboure to louen oure Lord God, as
some hauen for his loue shed all theyr blood, and
somme in otherwyse suffred grete dysese;
the dayes of theyr obytesc
in whiche they yelden theyr
ghoostes, ben marked in this present Kalendre.
`The sterres that standen, as I haue sayd the, in
stede of the dayes, haue suche an ordynance as I
shal here telle the. The day byfore the feste that
shal be solempnysed, the
sterre sheweth hym self, castyng a beme of ful grete
clerte to the same Saynt of whome shalle be the
feste, for to make his feste the more notabely to be
knowen to all. Thenne cometh the Angel of that same
Seynt of whome shalle be the fest, with moche
multitude of other Angels to the forsaid shynyng
sterre, syngyng and makyng moche melodye, and
bryngyng with them this forsaid Saynt, and
presentynge before the Mageste, ryght as thou hast
sene here thre clothed in purpre and corouned with
gold, whiche entred within the golden Heuene.
`These thre ben thre noble martirs that myghtely
stoden for the Feyth of Cryst. That one is Seynt
whiche that now the day of his feste
is brought byfore our Blessid Lord. These other two
ben Seynt Steuen105
& Saynt Vyncent106,
whiche that were in Erthe of the same ordre of dekene107. These gone
forth with hym for to doo hym honoure before the Hyhe Lord.
`There is before oure Lord now made an huge assemble
of moche multitude of Sayntes that ben comen for to
see this grete solempnyte, and for to amplye this
feste with ioye and with preysyng of God. Right soo
after them, by tornynge of the Cercle, cometh forth
other Sayntes in the same wise, eueriche after
other, as theyr dayes fallen for to holde also their
solempne festes, for this maner of doyng ne stynteth; no tyme that here nys a
feste. Neuer the later
nought all y lyke ryall, but somme ben holden more
solempne than some, after the meritees of them for
whome they ben. But alweyes lytel feste sawe I neuer
here, but alle grete and ryall.
`And yet I seye the more. There is holden a
ful ryall and solempne feest of Mychael the Prouost108
and alle his companye of Angels, [96v] in
remembraunce how he chacid Lucifer fro hens in to
Helle. And also in honoure of alle these Ordres and
Ierarchyes of these Hooly Aungels, they doubleth
these feste, and sheweth them seluen before oure
Lord God, preysynge and worshypynge with grete
`Also in the feste of Al Halowen109,
euery Saynt in this Cirkle taketh his owne place as
it is ordeyened them of God. There is the Grete
Assemble of his Honourable Court gadred to geders. A
wonder thynge to tellen of the ioye and myrthe of
the swete songes and of the lusty instrumentes,
sounynge ful delyciously.
'No gretter feste is there none thorugh oute al the
yere, except the speciall festes of the Hyhe Kynge
hym seluen, and the Glorious Quene, that muste nedes
of ryght be moche more solempne
than ony other feste.'
`Syth ye haue bigonne', quod I,`to tellen of these
festes, me lusteth ful gretely
for to here speke more of that mater.'
`Sothly', quod he. `I shalle telle the to thy lyste more of these festes. There
ben fyue festes in the yere, whiche ben holden ful
solempne of the Glorious Quene, of whiche the firste
is rote and begynnyng of alle other feste. That is the
halewynge of hir Concepcion110, what tyme that she
was chosen as a plaunte, purged or preserued fro
alle maner vnclennes, or ony tatche of synne. For
what tyme that this thynge was done of oure lordes
Grace, that this Blessid Lady was conceyued, the
Angels here aboue made a grete assemble, one the
grettest that euer was in Heuen seyn bifore tyme.
`And there they helden a parlement, and saiden in
this wyse: "Now neyheth that we must nedes make
moche myrthe and ioye, wel more than we haue made
bifore this tyme present, for now is the noble seed
y sowen, that shalle causen moche ioye and gladnes
to alle creatures. Hit shalle ben douteles a wonder
grete thynge of worthynesse, what tyme it is growen
and shewed vppon the Erthe. A wonder noble fruyte it
is shapt for to bere, full
good and profytable, and of ful myghty vertue. Lete
vs therfore besyly ordeyne
and make oure self redy to make an huge feste.
"We must lerne musyk & craft of armonye,
for alle that we can is lytell ynowe to that
solempnyte. Goo we therfore make vs al redy ageynst
the Kynges comynge, to holde this newe feste, soo
that we be nought behynde at this solempnyte."
"Soothly", quod Cherubyn and somme of
these other, "this thynge is full appertynent to ben executed.
But sothely vs byhoueth
instrumentes for to pleyen vppon, yf that we shall
make more solempnyte than we haue made bifore. But
now haue we none, ne here ben no werkers for to make
them newe, no [99r] mater wherof for to make
them, wherfor it semyth me necessary yf that ony of
yow wold take this iourney to the bordure of Helle,
where that Adams yssue abydeth theyr redempcion, and
telle them these tydynges that our Blysful Lord God
hath made an ordynanced
hastely to helpen them
oute of theyr dysese, for he
hath blessyd and saynctyfyed a newe precious plante
that is comen of their lyne, and descendyd fro the
stock of Dauyd. And no doute, ful grete ioye it
wylle be to that companye, and hyhe thankes shall
they haue for theyr message.
"Soo thenne Kyng Dauyd wylle be full redy to
presenten hym seluen to done al that we desyren, by
cause of these plesaunt and gracious tydynges. And
for as moche as he is an harpour
and a player vpon al maner instrumentes of musyke,
and knoweth wel the werkes of suche manere thynges,
he may and can best deuysen in what maner that we
shalle haue instrumentes, and he wylle ordeyne for
vs maystres of musyke for to teche vs pleyen
withouten defaute."