Thre Causes why the Sonne Entred the Signe of Cancer

Capitulo xiii

`Thre causes why that the sonne entred the signe of Cancer, whiche is cleped the Crabbe: thre ther ben assigned, for thre tymes he retourned fro thennes that he had comen.

`One was in the spyryte only, that had ben at Helle, and efte ageyne retorned to the body. The second retorne was fro dethe to the lyf, the thyrd day erly. The thyrdde retourne was fro Erthe in to Heuene, the day that he ascendyd to Heuen, fro whennes he come fyrste, what tyme he tooke humanyte. These ben thre glorious recours of this noble sonne, and owen wel to haue noble festes.

`The fyrst two were done in one day, and soo is the feste solempnysed to geders. And in these ryall festes the Kyng yeueth his leuery ful ryche and ryal robes of ioye and of gladsomnesse. Vpon theyr hedes haue they all cappes of gold, and gyrd they ben also with ceyntes of gold ful lustely shynynge, and sette ful of saphyres fro one ende to another.

`Vnder the sterred Cercle in these two festes it is acustomed and ordeyned that alle this hoole assemble dressyd them seluen for to thanke the Hihe Lord, preise hym, and worshypen. There ben many lusty songes, and moche melodye with dyuerse instrumentes, soo that alle Heuene veryly moueth for ioye. Ne none is there that ne enforcith hym seluen to maken melodye.

`This day moueth the Cercle wonder fast aboute, and bryngeth alle this peple to the Kynges Presence, where they fynden a table redy with brede and wyn, whiche table is susteyned and born vp by Aungels ful ioiously syngyng. This breed and this wyn the Hyhe Kyng blessith with his hand. And to eueriche as they passen forth, he yeueth parte therof, & said in this wyse: "this is my Fleshe
131, whiche that I abandoned for the loue of man anone to the dethe. And this is my Blood, whiche I shedde openly vpon the Roode tre for to bye mankynde oute of the fendes power."

`Soo thenne, whan that this Cercle hath made his reuolucion, and alle they ben fed with this glorious feste by the handes of the Souerayne Kynge, thenne they enforcen them to syngen and to ioyen, and seyen in this wyse: