The Grene Tree to the Drye
Capitulo Vndecimo
"Sothely", quod
this grene tree. "Wel I wote that myn appel
hath so huge vertu in hym seluen that ful wel he may
helpen and helen bothe my roote and me, and with his
medycyn amende vs when that hym lyketh.
And he shall putt hym self in the hande of God for
to ben a iewele appesyng the Fadre of this forsaide
trespas, right as the appel appeseth the child,
though hit be not broken. But beten therfore shalle
neuer be myn owne swete appel, ne hanged with
nayles, soo as this drye tree asketh and requyreth,
for it were a thynge vnskylful
to be done, wherfore, Dame Iustyce, I requyre yow
that ye iuge ryght. Here is nought elles to be done
in this mater."
"Sothly", quod that other, "I aske no
thynge elles."