Iustyce Rehercith the Lawe of Ryghtwysnesse

Capitulo Duodecimo

`Iustyce thenne took the wordes, and thus she said in open audyence: "Force is nouther ryght ne reson. And sith that eueriche hath lyberte & lordship in his owne persone [63v] whyle that he dysobeyeth nought to God, me shall nought vnryghtwysly ordeynen noo thynge in preiudyce of this lyberte, ne noo thynge commaunden that is ageynst ryght, for only that thyng euery wyght may, which he may by ryght, and nought of wilfulhede, & who that doth other, he offendeth Reson, & yf it so be that this appel, of whiche is holden this present parlement, haue suche vertu that he may thus restoren and amenden soo many grete anoyes as the grene tree recordeth withoute ageyn seyenge, yet may I nought, for this skyle that this appel is so moche of vertu, iuge therof ne deme. For thynge that is done wrongfully is worthy neyther thanke ne wors­hyp. Yf this appel be vertuous, that vertue is his owne, & in his owne lyberte. We owen nought for his goodnesse to done hym vnryght, but lete hym haue his preysynge as he wel is worthy for his fayre vertue, wherfore it is to wyte that God the Fadre Almyghty that no thynge wylle but reson, he thought vpon this mater long tyme passid, and to his loued Sone he seid in this maner: